Sunday, July 10, 2011

To Market, To Market

...To buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jiggety jig. 

We didn't buy a fat pig, although I did purchase a pork roast at the Qualicum Beach Farmer's Market on Saturday morning, along with fresh strawberries, tomatoes, snow peas and other veggies.

We went by bicycle, about a 35 minute ride. Come along with us on our route home, past quiet country houses, 

through sun-dappled woods,

past quietly grazing llamas,

and over a small bridge where we stopped to gaze into the stream.

Seeing the golf course meant we were getting closer, 

and after passing this mini field of lavender, we knew we were almost home.

Joining in Mosaic Monday at the Little Red House. Come on over and see more mosaics of life in various places around the world.


  1. What a grand bike ride. So many pretty things to see. A lovely part of the world up there. For me to go to town I would have to ride 15 miles which is a bit far for me! I think your ride to market is far more pleasant than mine, though. Love the shots and the post. Happy MM. Genie

  2. Lovely bike ride...thanks for the tour.

  3. Yes, a most beautiful part of the world you have there. I love that mini field of lavender.

  4. Love the mini field of lavender as well! I bought some lavender linen spray yesterday and have sprayed everything in sight!!? Should sleep good tonight! Have a great week Lorri.

  5. That looks like a beautiful bicycle ride - especially the parts through the woods and beside the lavender field.

  6. What a nice ride! You must have felt as if you'd accomplished something wonderful gathering in fresh produce and food from the market and not using any expensive gasoline to do it and getting your exercise, too. Fantastic!

    (My neighbor just bought the cutest vintage looking bicycle...yellow and blue. She sits right up on it not all hunched over. It's making me wish for such cute wheels.)

  7. Love that little rhyme that you began with . . . reminds me of my mama. Such a delightful way to spend the day.

  8. What a beautiful ride! We just spent 10 days in Nepal where hubby and oldest son rented bikes for an hour and rode around the streets of Pokhara. :) Have a great week. Tammy

  9. Loved my cycle ride! It looks so nice and summery!
    Can we go again?? Please??

  10. What a nice cycle ride! I think I would have to have stopped to smell the lavender!

  11. Beautiful pictures! I especial like the field of lavender. Wishing you a grand week! Cathy

  12. You certainly got your cardio that day. Love the patch of lavender. V

  13. That is quite a bike ride & to think, you were hauling groceries on the way home! Yay, YOU!!!

    ♥♥♥ the photo of your strawberry/avocado salad in prior post. AWESOME!

  14. I'm so enjoying discovering the great outdoors with you, Lorrie.
    You do all the hard work and I get to look at the scenery.
    Thanks for the bike ride, the route through the trees and over the bridge was a delight.

  15. It looks like you are surrounded by a very peaceful countryside, Lorrie!
    Lovely and lively images, I can feel the atmosphere.
    Greetings from Périgord,

  16. How incredibly earthy and healthy..riding your bike to the farmer's market! I'm glad you shared the trip. Such beautiful sites!

  17. Love the scenic bike pastures and lavender fields!

  18. What a beautiful bike trail you have! We have one similar but maybe not quite as long. We love our rides and walks along the creek during every season except for winter... too cold!

    Blessings, Debbie

  19. What a way to see the country side, armchair bike ride, thanks for the beautiful tour and lovely pictures of such an amazing place to be and live.

    Our strawberries are just starting, and the u-pick are starting to open every here and there. Take care

  20. Well, now. That is certainly better than jumping in the car and heading to the farmers' market!

  21. Your live ina beautiful area, Lorrie! It must be nice to be able to shop at the market and be able to bicycle home though such pretty scenery!

  22. thank you Lorrie for stopping by my new blog. i am still visiting all the mosaics and enjoying all the lovely finds such as yours. Also noticed your two stunning roses below. bolero is one of my favourites as well!


  23. Well I'm super impressed that you rode to the Farmer's Market and even brought home stuff on your bikes! Well done. Hope your week is going well...

  24. What a beautiful ride, you live in such a lovely place! And a great market, too!

  25. Thanks for the scenic tour. :D if I had to go to market on a bike, I guess I would go hungry - have not road a bike in so many years don't remember how.

  26. I love your lavender patch! Your ride looks wonderful...bicycle rides are the husband and I have a tandem and we do a 30 to 40 mile ride every weekend. Makes me feel so much more connected to nature and all of the goings on than riding in a car does. And what beautiful scenery you have to enjoy!


  27. What a perfect shopping trip! Thanks for letting me tag along. And, oddly, my legs aren't even tired out a little bit!

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