Friday, July 29, 2011

A Postcard from Europe

Our eldest daughter and her husband are currently in Amsterdam. They flew there today after spending a week in Rome. Cristal's email this morning was so evocative of what I imagine an evening in Rome to be that I thought I'd share it with you.

On our last night in Rome we took the Metro to yet another famous piazza -- this one had a Bernini fountain depicting the four great rivers of the four known continents at the time.  We wanted to cap a wonderful week with one last really good Italian meal.  We ended up sitting at a cafe table in an alley off the piazza.  Graffiti, broken cobble stones.  

A palm reader set up table behind us.  But there was a steady stream of pedestrian traffic and the waiter was friendly and compelling.  The food was wonderful -- tomato with mozzarella and fresh basil, followed by a creamy pasta course, followed by a main course of roasted veal with herbed potatoes, followed by tiramisu.  The house wine was excellent.  We strolled home, half an hour across old Rome, through lively piazzas and cafe-lined alleys.  The city really is best at night when the air cools slightly and the monuments are lit.

Does that not make you long to be in Rome? 

Holland would be fine, too - just look at that sky. The world is full of beauty.


  1. Oh, yes, it does! Sounds just wonderful, Lorrie.

    You're right, the world is full of beauty. We have so much to be thankful for.

  2. Dear Lorrie
    What a beautifully written email from your daughter - thank you for sharing it with us.

    Aah Roma.... eight years ago we spent a wonderful New Year there. The Italians were so warm and inviting. Very happy memories!!

  3. What a lovely e mail, it certainly makes me wish I was there!

  4. It sounds like they're having a lovely time. Rome really is beautiful at night.

  5. Beautiful writing truly though, since I do not enjoy heat, I think I'd be more at home in Holland. What a great photograph this is! May your daughter and her husband enjoy a wonderful time there.

  6. yes, it does.
    Actually, it makes me long to be almost anywhere on the continent, away from dreary, grey, miserable, moaning old England.

  7. Sounds very romantic...I would have loved to see more of Italy. Venice was interesting, and I am glad we were there in April before the busy tourist season. Ben went through Amsterdam yesterday and is safely in Sweden now. Glad your daughter is having a wonderful trip.

  8. Hello Lorrie - I loved the postcard your daughter wrote and she has captured the essence of Rome with her words. Judging by the length of time it took our postcards to arrive back home and by her description of the heat , I have a feeling we may have been in Rome about the same time. You will love hearing all their stories!

  9. Amazing how a few short paragraphs can be so full of details and stimulate the senses so vividly. Almost feels like I am right there too.

  10. Your daughter has your gift for writing. Those few lines took me back many years to a visit to Rome and similar stroll.

  11. Thanks for sharing your postcard Lorrie, sounds like they're having a wonderful vacation.

  12. And there is so much beautiful world to be explored! Sometimes I get frustrated with myself for filling my day-to-day with too many obligations. I've committed myself so much this year that I'm not sure that there will be time for a vacation! The description of the evening in Rome sounds like a description of a scene from a film.


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