Sunday, July 24, 2011

Found Art

It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
 pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest, but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

Prayer, by Mary Oliver

Each of the photos in today's mosaic was taken by looking down on the ground. A collection of stones, a fallen leaf, a log riddled with woodpecker holes, detritus left by wind and waves, and small plants that are easy to overlook.

I am learning to pay attention to the small things as well as the grand vistas in life. Paying attention requires effort, especially in this age of too much to do, too many devices, too little time. Paying attention makes me thank God for his attention to detail, in nature and in my own life.

Once again, I'm joining with others around the world and linking to Mary's Mosaic Monday.


  1. Just lovely. I wish I were where you are. Love BC, will be there in August.

  2. You're so right, Lorrie. With so many distractions, so many demands on our attention, it takes discipline to slow down and pay attention to what's at our feet.

  3. These is a wonderful mosaic and has given me pause! I noticed there were succulents growing between the square tiles at the art district...and I didn't take photos of them! Now I want to go back and look down! Happy Monday! ♥

  4. Lovely mosaic and wonderful words! Such beauty at your your feet :) Very pretty mosaic. Have a great week, Lorrie.

  5. Such a simple, sweet, true poem. And your mosaic complements the poem beautifully. These are the among the dearest of bouquets if we find them.

  6. Great sentiment. Real life is found in the detail because that's where the beauty lies. Love that fallen leaf shot!

  7. All so son showed me a picture today from his Scientific American magazine of different bird nests. All were beautiful but one was especially amazing at the amount of tidbits in it. God's own original assemblage artists! (well humans are too...but you know what I mean!)

  8. They are beautiful, both the mosaic and quote. Thank for sharing:)

  9. Mary Oliver is one my favorite poets. Her words always fill me with wonder.

    Your mosaic of the everyday observations of nature fits the poem perfectly, Lorrie!

  10. The college with flowers, stones, weeds is great. Nicely put together.

  11. Thanks for sharing a wonderful mosaic,
    have a nice week,

  12. Wonderful message! Thank you for sharing your wise words and your beautiful mosaic!

  13. Lovely mosaic and you have a wonderful message in your post and photos. Thanks for sharing, have a great week.

  14. Beautiful mosaic, the images are very interesting.
    Liked the quote too, how easy it is to overlook the simpler joys of life.
    Hope your week is a good one.

  15. Love your collection of simple things in your mosaic~ thanks for the reminder to slow down & observe!

  16. Your photos drew im in, and then the words (the poem and your own) really wowed me! I want to remember that poem - thanks for sharing it.

  17. hmm... meant 'drew me in'...

  18. A wonderful mosaic of things we take for granted while we are looking for the flashy flowers in the garde. V

  19. How very beautiful!!! Cathy

  20. Thanks for the reminder to look for the treasures right at our feet!

  21. The poem, and your additional ideas, are so thought-provoking. I love that you took photos of things at your feet that may well go unnoticed by most. You've also reminded me to dig out my old books of poetry and enjoy some favourites. Thank you, Lorrie, for visiting my blog and your suggestions: I've been doing some putting away and straightening up today!

  22. I've noticed more minute details since I began blogging and photographing scenes for posting. It's amazing what you see when you are 'focused'.

  23. Lovely details! I love looking for those beautiful things just around us. You've captured them so well.
    Thanks for the comments on my blog, the flower you commented on is a clematis.

  24. Lorrie - you are so right and this mosaic and your words are so meaningful. In looking for the big picture one often overlooks the small delights that are to be found in everyday life! Thanks for sharing your beautiful mosaic.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Lorrie, I always so enjoy your mosaic posts . . . they are insights into who you are, what captures your attention. I feel like I get to know you better each time I visit. And your pairings of poetry and pictures is impeccable.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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