Thursday, December 01, 2011

Just 10 minutes

So. It's December 1. How long is your list of things to accomplish today? Baking, sewing, coffee with a friend, and running errands are on my list.

This morning, while sipping my morning beverage, I watched this short video, found via Passage des Perles.
And I think you should find time to watch it too. Gratitude, Beauty and Life are discussed accompanied by gorgeous time lapse photography.

Take 10 minutes. You'll be glad you did.


  1. I love all things TED ! Have the app on my phone so that a few minutes waiting can always be learning. Thank You for sharing .

  2. I watched and enjoyed and marveled. I loved the city lights, which is unusual and I was amazed by the reflection in a drop of water and to think that flowers dance is a new and pleasant thought for me. Parts were much too New Agey for me, but I have taken what I can. What a marvelous occupation Mr. Schwartzberg enjoys!

  3. Oh my God! I appreciate and feel such gratitude.

  4. Beautiful - just beautiful. I enjoy many of the TED Talks, sent by my son, but I'd never heard this one.

  5. I watched this just a couple weeks ago . . . beautiful!

  6. Fabulous pictures and I loved the one with the drop of dew or rainwater on the stalk reflecting a flower.

    Nice reminders of the importance of nature but would have liked true spirit connection rather than the New Age philosophy.


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