Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Post of Little Consequence

The garden is still yielding. Lots of "baby 'matoes" as Little Miss A calls them. Next year I'm going to plant less of the small fruits and more of the big ones. I'll be making a batch of pasta sauce in the next day or two, with tomatoes from my garden and that of my daughter's.

While in Banff in early August, I took the above photo with my phone. I like the way the slabs of rock are set in the bed, some leaning, some straight. No exact placements and the plants growing up nilly-willy between them. Casual and interesting.

The new and the old. The Oster was bought in 1977. It's served us well and faithfully, but alas, it's time to go. Just not enough oomph. I hate getting rid of old things, don't you? I wish the things that work well and I'm used to would just keep going and going, like the Energizer Bunny.

The Cuisinart blender, fresh from the box, made short work of frozen strawberries, milk and ice cream. Delicious! A great way to assuage the mild grief of retiring the Oster.

A nod to the coming season - a pot of mums on the front porch. This was an odd plant. Apparently it was squished in the growing and so the back half is flat. A half-moon plant. It works perfectly against the porch railing since our porch is quite small.

Time to move on. Do you have anything of little consequence to share today?


  1. It probably seems of little consequence to others, but to me it's a big deal. I took the morning off to write and work around the house. I have to give a workshop tonight and I decided that I didn't need to work from 0830 to 2100, and have stayed home for the early part of the day. Loving it!

  2. I love the standing rocks in that garden. Very interesting idea. Your mum is a pretty colour and really shows up on your doorstep. I donated our old blender (36 years old!) in the spring and bought a new one. It makes great smoothies! Of consequence today - went to the chiropractor, met a friend there and we went to a farm stand for fresh veggies then to DQ for lunch. I might have had a mini blizzard. :) Hope to start on a batch of Lady Ashburnham pickles tonight. Enjoy your afternoon.

  3. It may be of little consequence in the greater scheme of things but it is of such things our lives are made. I loved this post.

  4. Oh my gosh! I keep wondering if I should replace our 1976 blender! Mine looks really bad....... but it still works great!!! I'm so glad to hear you love your new one and will check it out. The only reason I MIGHT get a new one is because if I use the 1976 model when people are over..... they might be dismayed! ha!!!

  5. No, I am saving my stuff of little consequence for tomorrow's post. ; }

    We have lots of those baby tomatoes...they're very sweet this year. We drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and we're in heaven.

    What a perfect plant for your porch. I need one like it.

    Old blenders are very good for making homemade paper...

  6. I had a blender like that once...
    Brings back some memories.
    I'm cooling off down here watching the 2nd half of the U.S.A. vs. Mexico that I DVR'd last night... That's of little consequence for me but a huge consequence for the U.S.A. soccer team. Have a wonderful day.

  7. It felt like a little friendly chat, maybe little significance but nice to know what's going on in a friend's life.

  8. Other than yard work, not much going on here! Great picture of your tomatoes on the vine, they look delicious!

  9. Still getting many little tomatoes and some big ones too. Catsup is being made here today. Replaced my blender recently too. I think mine was about the same generation as yours. Love the fence, it reminds me of the stone fences in Kansas.
    Every year I want to buy a large mum for the porch, then we plant them in the garden. We are getting so many surviving that I think I might have to pass this year. There is something so special about bringing home a mum in the fall, sort of a right of passage. I may just weaken and buy one.

  10. I can't wait to get a pot of mums...or two. They always last a long time and look like a bouquet of fresh flowers for the table. I stayed home and did housework today. Is that of little consequence enough? heehee!

  11. Oh boy do those smoothie looks great! I adore the photo of the fence too.

  12. I love a chatty post! It seems as if you're sharing a cup of coffee or tea with a friend.

    I bet you'll love your new blender. When we replaced ours a few years ago, I was quite surprised at how much sturdier and efficient the new one was. Sometimes new is better. (Sometimes not.)

    Love your mums! I'm eager to buy some!

  13. I had the same old Oster blender and just replaced mine with a newer one too. The mum is pretty, and there's a loving home for even imperfect plants.

  14. It's the beauty of ordinary life and living.... Oster blenders and all!

  15. I had a lovely day today - nothing of huge consequence, just ordinary things, friends coming to visit, sunshine on the flowers, a picnic overlooking the ocean for dinner, owls and moon and sunset - delightful day of little consequence - turns a day into something wonderul.

  16. A little bit of everything is no consequence! It's just fabulous!

  17. Beautiful pics. Mums are my favorite to pot on the porch for Fall. Still too hot around here in Georgia. I'm jealous you have yours already. So pretty.

  18. I'm not letting go of my Osterizer, Vintage '74, although the kids keep teasing me about it. One of them even Christmas-gifted us a big beautiful Cuisinart Food Processor. I can't adjust, although Paul quite likes it. Honestly, the old blender is easier to clean, and I'm just so appreciative of something that gives so much worth for so long. But I'm not sure if anyone would still replace parts as they did back in the Eaton's day . . . Lovely photos. Enjoy your pasta sauce-making!

  19. What a delightful post! You were all over the map with photos and topics, and I loved every minute of it. It's funny to see how small electronics have changed in their designs after several decades, LOL. And we were just talking earlier today that it is time to make a run to our favorite greenhouse and pick out some mums for the front porch.


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