Saturday, September 07, 2013

Foggy Days

 This has been a week of foggy, rainy mornings that clear into relatively pleasant afternoons. On Friday, accompanied by out of town guests, we went down to the water. Grey sea and sky melded into softly blurred harmony. I would have loved to have been on that sailboat in the mist.

After lunch at the Breakwater Cafe we walked along the breakwater. We heard lots of foghorns blaring but saw nothing. As we turned to go back to the car, I saw the cruise ship coming into port in the mist. Can you see it? Just the top few decks are visible. It was an eery sight to see it moving closer, as if suspended in the fog.

There were birds. A gull dipped his head down and reappeared with a crab. The heron looks like a grump in the bottom left photo, and more friendly in the top right. 

There were glimmers of blue sky above the fog. This sailboat, at anchor, drifted in and out of visibility. 

Arriving home, just a few miles away, blue sky shone overhead and there was no hint of the fog that enveloped the shoreline.

I'll be linking this to Mosaic Monday later on Sunday.


  1. That last photo is just beautiful! I'd prefer to be you enjoying the scenery than on the cruise ship - didn't it look ghostly? There's something really lovely about the fog with just a glimpse of blue sky that you show.

  2. It's so beautiful and romantic. I love mist and fog....well, as long as I'm not trying to drive in it. I would have never noticed the cruise ship if you hadn't pointed it out.

  3. I too like the last photo especially. Beautiful capture of the fog and mist.

  4. You've done very well to capture the look and feel of the day. That cruise ship appearing out of the mist is quite magical in a Narnia way, of course.

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Your pictures are beautiful, I love the fog on the ocean too!

  6. We have had similar weather. The driving conditions were terrible in the fog, but by the time I got to work the sun had burned its way through for a glorious day. I love the shot of the boat in the distance! Have a great week xx

  7. Beautiful . Those pictures make me feel happy .

  8. Fabulous photos - I love one of our grey PNW days.

  9. Oh such lovely photos! Makes me yearn for the Oregon Coast. :) Kit

  10. Foggy photos are some of my favourites . . . you have captured some lovely shots, Lorrie. Have fun with your visitors.

  11. Such interesting foggy day photos.
    I love the murkiness but it can be quite scarey on a boat in the fog!
    Your bird images are wonderful Lorrie!
    I'm gradually catching up with normal life.
    Enjoy the new week.
    Shane x

  12. Wonderful fog scenes! I love the heron, ducks and gulls! The cruise ship shot is amazing. Glad the ship knew when to stop. Lovely photos, thanks for sharing! Have a happy week ahead!

  13. Lovely foggy photos and the last one is my favourite.

  14. The sailboat in the fog is such a romantic photo. I love all of these beautiful views. And what a pretty banner...I always try to line mine up but this one at an angle is even better! Happy Monday!

  15. I enjoyed these photos Lorrie. The cruise ship is barely visible and the sailboat looks so pretty in the fog. The bird mosaic is beautiful. Fog can be very pretty.

  16. My favourite weather to photograph in, fog. It gives such lovely texture to the shots.

  17. Such evocative photos -- wonderful! We were in that fog this morning, taking the ferry into Victoria. . .

  18. Oh and you should have seen it this morning at Poets Cove!
    We were not even sure that we could get home...we did and then tonight the fog rolled in again and we cannot see our back fence!

  19. Lovely foggy-day pic's!

  20. That fog is always such a surprise. I love to find myself in it - or better still, on a hill such as the one over Gonzales Bay. From there I can watch it rapidly roll in. It doesn't matter how many times I see it - I'm always amazed.

  21. Hello my fellow West Coast blogger! :) I love our foggy mornings. What a treat to see a blue heron in the morning. One of our neighbours has a pond with koi and the heron loves to sit on their chimney and glare at the fish. :)

  22. There is something poetic about a fog like this; more a thick mist to dampen sounds and take all the harshness out of life.
    I simply cannot be angy fro long in the mist.

  23. angry, not angy. sorry

  24. First, thank you for your sweet words on my blog.
    I love those foggy photo's, gives me a mystery feeling.
    Have a nice week

  25. Such beautiful mystic scenes. The cruise ship capture is nothing short of amazing.
    And that is why I love blog hopping so much...a chance to visit so many places through the eyes of others.

  26. Lorrie, you have managed to capture the fog so 'clearly'!;) There's something so intriguing about this thick, cloudy air that makes me think of romantic walks along the shore and quiet, peaceful afternoons indoors, but always looking out to the blurry mist.

    Thanks for sharing these most inspiring photos.


  27. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Very nice photos. My fav is the first one.

  28. Fog brings it's own gift and the single image of the sailboat, is worthy of printing and framing...beautiful~

  29. Oh, I love that last sailboat photo!


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