Sunday, September 01, 2013

Summer's Siren Call

Summer's siren song called again this afternoon, prompting another excursion, this time to French Beach. Waves rushed upon the shore, splashing upwards, then receding in long sighs. 

A small fishing boat pulled up crab traps (we think) as the sun lowered. A long line of distant fog obscured the far shore, leaving the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula groundless, floating on the water.

September's here and I wonder how many more such afternoons we will have before dull skies and rain take over. This month bridges summer and fall with warm sunlight and cooling breezes. The garden still blooms, but things are beginning to look tired. Soon it will be time to draw indoors and pull the coziness of autumn around. Change is in the wind. Do you feel it?


  1. Oh yes, though it is warm here today I am feeling a slight change in the air. There will be one more adventure to the seaside and a couple other short adventures before Autumn fully arrives. Your views remind me of the scenery we see when we visit my MIL in Port Townsend area. We will be there the very first of October for a final adventure. Lovely, lovely, beautiful country you live in.

  2. By September I am more than ready for the cooler temps. Your pics are so beautiful and I totally get the siren call to the ocean.

  3. I do feel it, Lorrie, even though today was hot, and as humid as any mid-summer day. I enjoy the "bridge" that is September. (I loved your description of the mountains "floating on the water.")

  4. WEhat stunning scenery and great photos. Yes here too there is that feel to the air especially in the mornings and evenings.

  5. Hello Lorrie, Such a beautiful and serene shoreline.. It like such a very lovely late Summer walk and OH those Mts and the fishing boat makes it such a perfect photo. Hugs Judy

  6. Such beautiful pictures Lorrie. They make me feel as if I'm on that beach breathing the salty air and feeling the fresh breeze on my face. Yes, change is in the wind. A new season awaits. Have a wonderful week. Blessings. Pam

  7. Definitely feel the change in the air. Lovely photos of the water!!

  8. Look at the deep blue of the water and sky! Beautiful photos! I do feel a little change, but the humidity is so intense--probably the worst of all summer, it's hard to imagine fall will be here soon!

  9. We have been promised a few more days of summer, with warm and sunny days, but cooler nights.

    There is something peaceful about this time, with the hurly-burly of high summer gone.

  10. Oh such a lovely summer we've had - let's have a few more days of it. The photos are amazing. I'm surprised at how you get a better view of the Olympic Mountains on the peninsula than we do. We have to drive to Whidbey Island to get a good view - or take the ferry to Port Townsend.

  11. Ohhhhhh this was just delicious...the fog obscuring the far shore, the shelter of this beach, the captured it all in words and photos. I am grieving the summer that really never arrived, the days we could never spend on the deck, the flowers that turned to mush, but here I can pretend. Yes, we're feeling it. Another day of torrential rain so nasty that I had to see if we were on the tail end of a tropic storm. Still, there are joys in each day if we look for them. Some seasons we just have to look harder than usual.

  12. I love the dahlias featured in your header! I was distracted thinking about how you must have angled yourself to capture that angle!

    The photos of the water shows the water in the prettiest of blues. It's still hot and steamy here but I'm looking forward to warm days ahead when there will be a little coolness in the air.

  13. Yes, I feel it too. Some mornings there's a heavy mist in the tops of the trees, and there's a chill in the air by late afternoon. I don't mind the change, as I love autumn.

  14. Squeeze every minute it -- and I'm happy you're squeezing the camera shutter release while you're doing so! I love the way you've grabbed the sparkle off the water.

  15. Hasn't it been just so beautiful? I love the beauty of the mornings when summer is waning. I tried to capture the sun coming over the mountains today... I tried.

  16. Hi Lorrie
    Your new dahlia header is beautiful!
    Great photos - glistening water and gentle waves.
    Change is in the wind here too - but from Winter to Autumn.
    We're having lovely days of sunshine but there's still an icy bite to the wind off the mountains!
    Your last photo says summer to me!
    Shane xox

  17. Beautiful photos and words, Lorrie.

    We are sensing the change here...the light is more golden....

    We'll soon be cutting back the perennial gardens, and putting the veggie garden to rest for the year. We have a lot of soil amending to do. I love the changes of season. Each one has it's beauties.


  18. Your writing is so lovely. The French Beach looks like a wonderful place to be. The only change around here is days that feel like you are sitting in a sauna. So, so, so humid! Best wishes to you, Tammy

  19. Sad, it has to turn to gloom and rain. But, so spectacular now!

  20. It's becoming a little hard to ignore the signs that fall is around the corner. Beautiful pic's!

  21. How lovely. I wish we could feel it here, but not quite yet.

  22. Not quite cooling down here yet either...waiting, wondering, hoping...

    Oh and maybe the cooler temps will keep the wasps away.


  23. Your photos are beautiful!! Yes, I can feel a change. Leaves starting to turn color on some trees.

  24. These pictures are absolute summer spellbinders. The lure of the sea beckoning to enjoy the late summer afternoons. Just beautiful.

  25. Oh, yes. We feel it here. We are having a crisp, fallish morning, nice and sunny. It is a great relief from the 93% humidity we had yesterday!
    Your pictures are always so beautiful. I am so glad you share.

  26. I definitely feel it, the change is upon us for sure. I walked every morning all summer now it is to cool to do that so early. So this explore you went on to French Beach, any seaglass? Today the rain has watered enough for the grass to be cut in the morning if it dries up.

  27. Such beauty...... I used to live close to the beach.... in fact the beach is all around you in Corpus Christi...... I really took it for granted back then...


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