Monday, February 03, 2014

A Blogger's Tea

Early in January (I think), I received an email from the Hostess of the Humble Bungalow suggesting that a few local bloggers get together for tea. Our calendars were marked and I, for one, anticipated the meeting with pleasure.

We met at the White Heather Tea Room, where cozy tables, individual tea pots, and bone china teacups bid us welcome. From front left to back and across the table are: Hostess of the Humble Bungalow, Sheila from Ephemera, Pondside and me.

My three tea companions were so gracious when I arrived VERY late. Pondside called on my cell to ensure I was all right. I was - Tim and I were trying to get the new vehicle registered and my, what a hassle. We finally left the paperwork unfinished and said we would return on another day. Then I got a bit lost enroute. But the ladies waited to order until I arrived, quite flustered.

Our waitress refilled the tea pots several times as we lingered, chatting about fashion, blogging, and sundry topics. Meeting new friends can be daunting, but getting to know each other a bit through our blogs before meeting in person allowed for ease in the conversation and a sense of already knowing something about each other. Pondside and I have chatted before, but Sheila and the Hostess were friends I met for the first time. 

This blogging world - it's like penpals of old - connects us through common interests and a desire to broaden one's scope of friends. I'm looking forward to another get together - if there are other local bloggers who would like to join us, please do. 


  1. The food looks scrumptious and you had good company for your tea gathering.

  2. What fun!! I am glad that you got to meet up with fellow bloggers for tea. You would have enjoyed our tea room that we operated when we lived in Hanna. I do miss our special tea parties we would host...mother daughter teas, teddy bear picnics would have been fun to serve you and your friends! I hope you are able to make it an event a few times a year. Take care!

  3. How nice! I sometimes get together with another blogger and it is great fun.

  4. How fun! I have really enjoyed the blog meet ups I've been involved with!

    Your tea looks wonderful!


  5. Looks like a very special day. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  6. Oh, how fun! I've been most blessed in meeting up with quite a number of bloggers through the years. It looks like a most special time...good company and a lovely spot to have tea.

  7. That must have been lovely. You look pretty calm on the outside. :-)

  8. It was wonderful to meet you! So fun to find others in the same area and to get to meet up. No worries about being late, Lorrie!

  9. How very nice to have a little get-together. I feel that I 'know' at least two of you!

  10. Delightful! Makes blogging worth every second to end up with a little treat like this.

  11. Lorrie,

    What a delightful tea, dotted with dainty and delicious treats and spiced with wonderful conversation, I'm sure! How lovely to meet up with bloggers buddies in your own neck of the woods! What a sweet memory, and here's to many more!


  12. Hello,Lorrie!
    What a wonderful time you all had together. You all have lovely smile!
    Thank you for visiting and nice comment!

  13. A beautiful get together, Lorrie! And the tea table looks wonderful!

  14. Hello Lorrie,
    I'm back wanted to revisit the little tea party with friends and see if I could search any ideas for the tea room this season. I don't like it when things are the same the same and so I'm sneaking another look.
    Some day I'm going to have the joy of meeting up with bloggers in one area. Ok, it would be the pinwheel sandwhiches, however I don't know anywhere around who would or could cut the bread lengthwise, I've asked before and just gave up.

  15. It looks like a wonderful tea, Lorrie, and I hope you were able to ease into the gathering after being frazzled earlier. Of course, a cup of tea and good company would help with that.


  16. Aren't those times together so nice! I've had tea at the White Heather too. That plate of high tea treats looks so tasty.

  17. I was delighted to meet you as I have been a reader of your blog for several years now.
    I loved your opera strand of pearls that you knotted so casually with your crisp white shirt....two of my favourite things. BTW you look too young to be a grandmother!

  18. Oh how I would love to meet you at the White Heather. I have passed by it and heard good things about it. The food looks amazing. I hadn't thought about the blog world being like penpals, but that is so true. I like that concept. One of these days I would definitely like to come your way for tea. What a treat!

  19. I would love to! It just would be a tad far... ;) But how wonderful that you did this! I have gone to one blogger's luncheon where I was a nervous wreck (it happens sometimes in big group situation) but everyone couldn't have been nicer. And I have loved meeting people one on one. As you say, you have a pretty good idea of who someone is before hand and just clicks!
    PS. The tea goodies look amazing...

  20. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Lovely photo and tea time. Glad you had this opportunity.

  21. Glad you had tea to calm the nerves after the hassles you had in getting there. What a nice meet-up at that great location!

  22. What a wonderful time! Lovely ladies and lovely tea. Meeting blogging friends in person is such a treat.

  23. Delightful! I love your comparison of blog friends to pen pals. I have been thrilled with the bloggers that I have met in person. They were everything I though they were, and more!

  24. It was fun seeing this outing from all perspectives. They were so sweet to wait for you! Hope that you have a chance to do it again. (You don't also have a dislocated jaw do you?)

  25. It was such a nice way to spend a few Saturday hours. I hope we'll do it again soon and that others will join us!

  26. I'm glad you enjoyed the get-together once you got there. Love the Hostesses comment about you looking too young to be a grandmother.

  27. What a lovely idea! It's so true that blogging brings people with the same interests together. It's like "online friending"!

  28. So wish I knew bloggers in my area. And that I could of crashed your tea! Yummy food and fun folks!

  29. Oh! what fun and the food looks good enough to eat!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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