Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On Procrastination

 I'm a procrastinator. Sad, but true. I've been intending to paint the hallway and stairwells for well over a year now. Last spring I talked myself into waiting for the summer. In the summer, I thought I'd wait for fall. Then it was Christmas. My excuses ran out. So last week, I went out and bought paint. Saturday was the day. It took all day. I'm so glad I chose the same colour of paint (pale grey) so that one coat would suffice. So many doors to cut around, such high ceilings in the entrance. Do you know how much dirt settles onto the top of door casings? I cleaned. I stretched. I reached. I rolled. I brushed. I tottered on ladders. I set the step stool right into the tray of paint. It's done.

It feels wonderful! Not only are the scuff marks and bashes gone, but a huge weight is lifted off my mind. I think, "why didn't I just do the work?"

To be fair to myself (I'm usually on my own side), there were a couple of spots that I couldn't possibly reach, no matter how much I stretched. I knew I needed Tim around for those. Which meant a weekend. But still. 

That was Saturday. On Sunday afternoon, we blithely skipped town and went to East Sooke Park, introducing the wonders of the park to friends who have never seen it. I think it's the prettiest place on the Island. Skies were grey and threatening rain/snow. I was hoping for a good snowfall (I can hear the Easterners screeching) but it didn't happen. 

Do you procrastinate? 



  1. I certainly do all the time! Lovely photos of your stunning area.

  2. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh yes, especially about painting!
    Beautiful photos.
    Hope you have a nice afternoon.

  3. Yup. My stairwells were not painted last Saturday and goodness knows I've been saying that they should be. Mine are going to be painted a glaring white so that things show up better. I hope. After you told me about the casings, I dusted all of mine and wiped them down. Right. A mess. Ha! Thanks for that!

  4. Oh my, this does sound like me. I have a bunch of touch up painting that has been waiting for me for several years. This may be the week, depending on my arthritic knees (and the weather I suppose).

  5. Yes, I procrastinate too. My mind is running through a list of things that I should just do. But I wipe the tops of my casings pretty regularly. Tops of picture frames too.

  6. Procrastination is inherently common and human, and we all sucumb to it, from time to time. But sometimes it's also nescessary to procrastinate in order to really get going.

  7. Yes. Usually about the ironing. I know the mountain is getting bigger, but I shut my eyes!

  8. Do I ever!
    I frequently procrastinate until I come to a decision. A decision to let someone else do the job, particularly painting ceilings. Or walls, for that matter.

  9. Oh yes, procrastination is so easy to do. My husband is painting my kitchen today, something he has said he would do for a year. Same color, so one coat too. I even make lists, but then lists can be rewritten. Love the photos and this would be a place I would love visiting if I get back to your island.

  10. Why not put off until tomorrow that which you don't feel like tackling today? Is that how the saying goes? I am a good 'putter offer'. Glad you got your painting project done.

  11. I usually have to put things off because of other peoples plans…but eventually everything gets done.


  12. I know you must feel so good to have your painting done, Lorrie. How do I know this? Simply because I too am a procrastinator. I used to get mad when my husband accused me of it. I thought I just liked to think about things longer. Ha!
    I will admit once I tackle the project I always wonder what took me so long. Glad you got yours done in time to enjoy the beauty of the park.

  13. I can relate to the good feeling of getting something done that has been on the to do list. It's not always a big job such as painting. It can be a small thing such as cleaning up Christmas cards. =)

  14. Ha Ha...do I procrastinate? Oh yes. So many times we have to plan a party to get us into gear...
    Good for you for gettin her done!

  15. I am not much of a procrastinator. Blogging keeps me from putting things off. On February 5, I said I was going to paint 4 pieces of furniture by the end of the month. I have 2 finished and will finish a third tomorrow. If I didn't have a blog, I think I might have put off the painting.

  16. Oh my goodness...then I am in good company! I am a procrastinator from waaayyyy back. I have improved only slightly as the years have gone by.

    (I am smiling at Ellen B.'s comment, because that is one of our strategies too!)

    I am sure that you are happy to have that task behind you now!

  17. No I don't procrastinate .......... your snaps of East snooke Park are lovely.

  18. Yes I do, and I could have written this post right on down to the part about having to wait for the weekend for husband help. I always want to KICK myself for having done it after it's done, too. I had a little table that I bought nearly two years ago that I have procrastinated painting. It took such a short amount of time, and I love it. Should have done it when I bought it. Ugh.

  19. You do a beautiful blog. A nice variety of interesting things/events/places and wonderful photographs.

  20. YES! I am a procrastinator as well!! Lets see, where should I start...finish organizing the spare bedroom,,,get the basement painted,,, make the cheesecake for the week end....oh dear!! Time to get busy, thinkI will start with the cheesecake!
    Have a great day!

  21. Often I procrastinate with everything . now I stop that - my hobbys birth day is soon , too soon ...

  22. Oh yes, I procrastinate too! But once I get going on a project, then I wonder why - same as you! LOL... So glad that you rewarded yourself the next day. Had to laugh about putting the step stool in the paint tray, though I know it must not have been funny at the time to you!

  23. I can relate to everything you said in your post except I am still procrastinating about the painting I need to get done:) It is a small job and I know I'll feel better when I get it done.
    LOVED the photos on this post! What an amazing place you live in.
    PS: Our snow is melting--almost gone now. Part of me wants it back; part of me is ready for spring. I am awaiting God's decision on what happens next:)

  24. Yes, I procrastinate until I can't stand it any longer. Then I'm a whirlwind. Hmmmm that makes me sound a bit manic.......can a person be energy manic?
    Sorry to hear about the stepladder in the paint. Happy to see you got to share our beautiful island with friends.

  25. Glad you got the painting done! It's so nice once the work is over we always wish we'd done it sooner......I procrastinate too so I have done the same thing! Lovely that you were able to share the countryside with friends and get lots of fresh air afterwards too :)
    Helen xx

  26. I wouldn't say that I procrastinate, but I do have projects that I've wanted to do for years... it's just that Hubby has me helping him build things and the time and money disappear.

    This year, I am getting to some of those projects. Right now, I am finally (FINALLY) sewing a curtain for the bottom shelf of the baker's rack.

    Doesn't it feel wonderful to have tackled the painting project, and then look around at how great it looks? Good for you!!!

    Thank you for entering my little giveaway ~ best of luck to you!

  27. Laughing a bit about the dusty door casings. I am tall enough that I can reach up to them without any step stool so I regularly run a damp paper towel over all eleven of the door casing in my upstairs.

    An otherwise fine gentleman that I know quite well is also quite tall and he used to amuse himself by dating and initialing the dust atop refrigerators in homes overseen by short women friends.. Sometimes he would have multiple dates before the shorter housewives finally got around to dusting up there. Out of sight, out of mind...unless the dust is exactly at eye level. Short girls beware!

  28. I am sure you are glad you got to it. I am not particularly a procrastinator but can't say I never do. I am inclined to want things done yesterday. Like the photos. I thought there would be a photo of your hard work!


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