Saturday, February 08, 2014

Sunlit Sunday

Little Miss A intent on building something with Duplo. The sun shines brightly belying the cold temperatures outdoors. Through the window streams warm rays of light, illuminating blond curls. 

Bright blocks and animals. "No, Nana, we can't visit the polar bear today. He's old and sick. He needs to rest." The giraffe gets to eat bright flowers. And what does the tiger eat? "Nana, tigers are carnivores - he gets the steak." Carnivores? In the vocabulary of a barely 3 year old?

Snuggling with Grandpa, Little Miss S looks content. Grandpa looks pretty happy. This was taken 2 weeks ago. This week, she's been a bit poorly. Her mother didn't know why she was so fussy and wanted to be carried all day. The discovery of a rash and a subsequent visit to the doctor revealed the cause - Fifth's Disease - a virus that will run its course in a week. Such a relief to know what was ailing her.

Two little girls who make my life sunny. 

Sharing with Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden.


  1. The first photo of the sunlit concentration is precious. Little girls and their grandpa .....a frequent scene when our granddaughters were little.
    Hope the nasty virus hurries on it's way.

  2. Sweet pictures Lorrie. I had fifth disease when I was a teenager. No one had hardly heard of it then. Hope all is well by now.

  3. Sweet photos...nasty viruses... I have not heard of this one, but will google it. One can't have too much information.

  4. Anonymous5:33 AM

    They are precious girls.

  5. I can see how these two little girls would make your days sunny ones, Lorrie. Little Miss A. sounds very clever, already knowing about carnivores. Her pretty hair is gleaming.

    I hope her sister feels better very soon, poor little muffin. Did someone hand knit the adorable sweater Little Miss S. is wearing?

    Thanks for bringing your young darlings (and smiling Grandpa) to Sunlit Sunday. I hope your day is a joyful one.



  6. I agree Lorrie - they are the sunshine in our lives.
    Beautiful moments you've captured.
    I'm hoping Little Miss S has recovered by now.

  7. Grandma's can't rest when little ones are not feeling well. Small amounts of sunshine are welcome during these cold days. Such a little beauty, first I've learned about fifth's. Her grandpa is so happy.
    Enjoy your week,

  8. Suck cozy and sweet images. Have a great Sunday!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. Sweet post! Those images make me smile and happy!
    Have a happy day!

  10. Miss A and Miss S are both adorable. Such tender sweetness. I hope little Miss S is feeling better soon.

  11. Two sweet spots of sunshine in your life! There's something about toddlers' hair - like angel hair, when the sun shines on it.

  12. Sweet. Glad Miss S is feeling better. Love the sun lit hair in the first photo!

  13. She's a darling, and I am glad to hear that she is feeling better now.

    Here's to sunshine!


  14. Cute shots of your Little Misses. I hope Little Miss S is feeling better now. Enjoy your week ahead!

  15. What a sweet post, Lorrie. Your little Misses are adorable. And yes, grandpa looks like he wouldn't want to do anything else, but snuggle with little Miss S.

  16. I hope she gets better very soon. Happy to see some sunshine peaking through the windows!

  17. Aww. poor little missy. I hope she's feeling better already. What sweet sunlit moments for you. I am amazed at the vocabulary of little ones today. I guess there is so much more to educate them with now.

  18. I really love that pictures of S with Grandpa. She's more like herself again today, but gets tired quickly. Hoping for a very long nap.

  19. Aw. . . . so sweet. . .

  20. Sweet little snugglebear! Now that is the first time I have heard of Fifth disease.

  21. Oh so sweet - and I'm glad she is recovering. Our grandsons amaze us with their vocabulary too. Sometimes I ask Ben if he knows what a certain word means, and he will say - oh Grammy - you know I do - and then he'll define it for me.

  22. Grandchildren make any day sunny. I can't wait to play blocks with our 11 month old granddaughter. Valerie

  23. Your two little princesses are darling, Lorrie, and I'm sure your days are always sunny when you have them near you to hug and hold, feeling the warmest of warm, despite the outside cold!

    Hope Little Miss S is feeling better.:-)

    Have a wonderful week!


  24. un bon dimanche ensoleillé
    merci de ton passage
    edith (iris)

  25. Beautiful and heart warming photos! Such love!!!

  26. Awww, they are so sweet! I was very impressed with her vocabulary! Hope that little Ms. S feels better soon!

  27. Very sweet they are!

  28. Sweet! Love the vocabulary! Carnivores! Makes me smile!

    Grandpa does look mighty pleased.


  29. Love the conversations with the grandgirlies that you share . . . seriously, carnivore?!! Little Miss S looks like she is soaking up the love from Grandpa and its a sweet place to be when you are under the weather.

  30. My grandson's had Fifth's Disease shortly after Christmas. It does make them feel poorly, poor dears. I hope your granddaughter will feel better very soon!

  31. Such beautiful children! I know how wonderful it is to spend time with grandchildren:)
    Hope Miss S gets back to her normal self very soon.

  32. Grandchildren are the best!! Yours are so cute. ;)

  33. They would make a day sunny for sure, so cute. Love the blocks and animals.
    Right now our little guy is into engine noises and all trucks, trains, and cars
    all have the same sound and truck name.

  34. Great photo of Granddad and Grand daughter. Hope she is well by now. I have never heard of that virus.


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