Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sweet and Fresh

 There's a sweet new little man in my life. Felix Alexander, born on Feb 11 to our daughter-in-law and son. 8 lbs, 3 oz. So perfectly new - a blessing from God. I love this photo, taken in the hospital when we took Little Miss A up to meet her baby brother. The focus of this photo is his darling face, but look on the outskirts - all the hands. Sister hands, cousin hands, mommy hands. Hands of love, big and little. Hands to help. Hands to share. Hands to play. Little Felix, you are so welcome in our world.

Yesterday, Little Miss A and I waited at her house so she could welcome him home from the hospital. Here she is holding him for the first time - an Iphone photo taken by an emotional Nana.

Heart full.


  1. I remember those and thankfulness combined. Congratulations on your newest member of the family.

  2. Oh, so sweet!

    I keep waiting and know one day I will have a little cutie to hold.

  3. Awwww...darling boy! Warm congratulations all around!

  4. Lucky little boy to have been born into such a loving family. Congratulations to you all.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Congrats to you all. Sweet blessing from Above. God bless you all.

  6. Congratulations to you, Lorrie! And to your family. And to Felix the lucky boy!

  7. Oh so perfectly sweet. Congratulations to all!

  8. This is wonderful news, Lorrie. One more person to love!


  9. Congratulations to you all! He is beautiful!

  10. Ohhhh, he's beautiful! Congratulations! He weighs an oz more than mine that arrived the day before! I need to update my blog! Love this! Enjoy, enjoy!!! Love his name!

  11. Congratulations!

    These photos are so precious! I love all the hands and the way you described them! What a sweet big sister, too!



  12. Anonymous1:03 PM

    How wonderful. A miracle. Congrats.

  13. So wonderful - you are blessed and little Felix is too! He'll understand much later.
    Adorable children Lorrie - enjoy them before they grow big and independent!!!

    Congrats. to your family.
    Hugs - Mary

  14. So many warm congratulations to you and your lovely family. Felix looks adorable! Fresh and new... and perfect xx

  15. Yes, a sweet little guy who we'll have fun getting to know. I love those little hands in the first picture.

  16. Congratulations enjoy

  17. Oh..Congrats proud Grandma. What an adorable little guy and big sis looks pretty pleased as well!

  18. Just beautiful! Blessings for a long and wonderful life for little Felix!

  19. Congratulations! He looks adorable in his striped sleeper...with his big sister holding him ever so carefully.

  20. Congratulations, how wonderful! This do make our hearts melt for sure.
    He is just a beauty and so is sister. So soon they will laughing and playing
    with each other, it seems to happen over night. Savor each and every moment,
    as I know you will.

  21. Congratulations! He is perfect! And his little sister is just as adorable.

  22. Heart full indeed! Felix is a wonderful name for a sweet lad. So happy you and your family have been blessed with a bouncing baby boy. I imagine you could literally feel your heart expand when you saw those two precious grandchildren together.

  23. Congrats Grandma! Felix is such a great name. What a sweet little face!

  24. Oh my! How very wonderful -- sweet to see little girl become big sister! And I do love the name Felix. Congratulations to you and your family.

  25. Oh my goodness. Yes heart full.

  26. Glory to God! Congratulations on the new member of the family! He's beautiful.

  27. Oh how precious! Congratulations Lorrie, to you and your family, on the safe arrival of Felix. He is beautiful and Miss A looks so proud of him. Hugs, Pam

  28. Oh my goodness, Lorrie! Hugs and congratulations across the miles!
    What a precious blessing your family has been given...and what a blessing you all will be to him. That is a heartwarming photo of little Felix surrounded by those loving hands. So is the one of his big sister holding him. Melts my heart...

  29. Congratulations to all!
    Welcome to our world Felix Alexander!
    I love the first photo of him wrapped in swaddling clothes....and yes all the hands that he will need to help him in his life ahead. Nurturing, caring, loving and playing hands.... a beautiful photo.
    Little Miss A supporting his little body so well - she knows what a precious gift her baby brother is!
    I can imagine the well of emotions you have Lorrie - it is such a special time.
    Love and hugs
    Shane x

  30. The first thing I noticed were the hands - what a delightful picture. And I think Little Miss A holding baby might be one of the all-time cutest baby photos ever.

  31. Ah Lorrie - the family stories that will be written as this new little one takes his place in the circle of love you and your husband have created. I wish him and his mummy, daddy and sister every blessing.
    I can imagine your joy!

  32. Congratulations and blessings !

  33. He (THEY) are just precious! So much congratulations coming your way from me. I hope and pray to have that kind of post on my own blog someday. I'm a dreamer like that.

  34. Oh he is just brand new, isn't he?! How sweet! Congratulations to your son and daughter inlaw. I know you all are enjoying this special time.

  35. Congratulations! He's a beautiful baby!

  36. Congratulations Lorrie, a sweet new bundle in your life.

  37. Toutes mes félicitations, je suis très émue de voir ces photos ! Bienvenue à Félix, un petit rayon de soleil dans ce gris mois de février !

  38. Congratulations on the sweet little bundle!

  39. Oh so sweet! Congratulations to all, and may he be a very blessed little boy.

  40. As your family circle continues to grow you must feel so blessed. Your grandson being welcomed by so many pair of hands is one I'll never forget. It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing such a special moment Lorrie.

  41. Makes me want to cry too, beautiful! Blessings abounding!

  42. Congratulations and how beautiful.

  43. Congratulations, Lorrie! Felix looks like a very handsome and strong baby. Many new blessings for your family to enjoy!


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