Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February in my Garden

Imitation is the best form of flattery, they say, and for this post, I blatantly imitated Sharon of My French Country Home in making a mood board of what's happening in my garden these days. I went out in between the raindrops and took a few clippings of shrubs and flowers. A very few flowers.

Viburnum and moss seem to go together well.

Snowdrops on a salal leaf. 

More viburnum. Such delicate little flowers.

Everything is fresh and damp after all the rain we've been having. The slugs are happy, too. I discovered a tiny one on a leaf, probably wondering where he was.

These are my offerings for Vee's Note Card Party, held each month. Click on the link to join in or view other note card possibilities.


  1. Hi Lorrie,
    What beautiful and colorful notecards of nature you've shared for Vee's party. I love each one and would be happy to send or receive them.

  2. Hi Lorrie,

    I see you decided on some wonderful notecards for Vee's party! I just love nature and all that it has to offer. You have created a wonderful mood board. Hugs - Donna

  3. Oh, what a lovely mood board and just what I needed to see today. Nothing green and growing here - still in the throes of winter of course, but your garden has me dreaming of Spring. Thanks so much for sharing, Lorrie!

  4. What a nice idea to show off what's blooming in the garden. I sure love those viburnum flowers. Beautiful photos for note cards my friend! I think they are a little different and I like that! Hugs!

  5. I did hear birds singing today... now when I see such beauty out my window then I will know it is truly spring!

  6. Oh my! I love this idea and I may just have to play copycat, although my photography skills lag sadly behind yours.

  7. So pretty! I might have to copy this idea too; it looks like fun. And you found so much out there at this time of year.

  8. I'm new to your Card Party, and these are just the most adorable and clever cards... Makes me smile all over.

  9. Oh these are very cool. I like them a lot. Something to try here in a few months.

  10. Lorrie...these are wonderful. There is not much growing in my yard at the moment. The moss in your photo is similar to what we have in our yard instead of grass. We live on a heavily wooded lot and grass doesn't grow well...but this moss flourishes! Lovely set of note cards :)

  11. Those mood boards are really nice and they make interesting photo cards. Nicely done!

  12. I like the idea of a mood board, a nice way to share snippets from the garden. I'd like to try this when our spring flowers arrive, if I can wait another 8-10 weeks. :-)

  13. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Very beautiful selections. Love the mood board idea. Have a great evening.

  14. Oh, that's so pretty. Isn't it nice to finally see some flowers out? If only the weather would settle down!

  15. Oh, so beautiful! All we see here is white (snow), so it was a great pleasure to see some blooms. I love the mood board. :)

  16. Very nice choices for Vee's February Note card party!

  17. I love the idea of a mood board! Lovely selections, and they make me yearn for spring weather.

  18. What a great idea - maybe someone else will be copying that one day . Love the way your arranged everything.

  19. Your photos just pop!
    It's wonderful you have so much happening in your garden already.
    I admit I envy you!

  20. Lucky you to have this much colour in the garden in February! Beautiful idea and notecards, Lorrie.

  21. I love the viburnum photo. The colors in all the pictures are so fresh.

  22. A bit of this and a bit of that neatly arranged sure made for some wonderful notecards!
    (Glad the slugs didn't get included in the notecards...ha!)

  23. You are very good with this blogging . Every post is so interesting and fresh . Pictures so bright . So much happening in your garden , and it's Fegruary !

  24. I think you might have set a trend!

  25. I love your nature mood boards ... wonderful! Hints of spring .. yippee!

  26. Oh I just love your mood board from the garden. It looks so fresh and yes, a hint of Spring.
    What a love card it makes.

  27. These are lovely, Lorrie!

    For those of us buried in snow, it is a delight to see green growing things!


  28. I love these kind of mood boards or photos!!! Have you seen this blog? http://stillblog.net/

  29. Oh, I love these! Your plants are lovely on the mood board, even without a preponderance of flowering things.

  30. The mood board is a neat idea! Very nice photos for note cards!

  31. I can see that you have a lot of things springing forth in your garden already, Lorrie. My snowbanks are growing, but that's about all at the moment.

    It's pretty how you have the items arranged and I popped over to the link provided to see you inspiration. Lovely.


  32. Lovely photos for a set of notecards! I'm on the other end of the country (N.B.) and my garden is buried under feet of snow... no color here yet.. just plain ole white! lol Thanks for the taste (and hope) of spring!

  33. Lovely flower photos, and such pretty arrangements. I am just catching up and wanted to say congratulations on the birth of your adorable new grandson too.
    Helen xox

  34. Whoever had the idea first, it’s a very imaginative one. The tiny flowers of February don’t make a great impact on the shrub, so separating them and displaying them like this is brilliant.

  35. Lorrie,

    Your February garden is beautifully bright and misty and colourful and green. And uplifting, of moods!

    Such a charming arrangement!


  36. What a fun idea and you have lots of colour.

  37. Beautiful! I like the first one with all the little bits artfully displayed.

  38. This was incredible Lorrie! Spring is coming--your photos make me believe it is so :)

  39. oooh - a mood board is a lovely thing. At least, yours is!


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