Tuesday, February 04, 2014

This and That and not much of Anything

Brrrr! It's cold out there. (said very quietly) Cold is a funny thing. Well, not very funny, but quirky. Last week we were out in Alberta where the temperatures were much colder than they are here. We didn't actually feel very cold, though. There was no wind (that helps a lot), but the real difference is the humidity. There, it's dry. Here, it's humid. Humid cold seems to go right to the marrow. 

All that to say that I walked to the shopping centre this morning. It took me awhile to get going because I could see what the thermometer said. I put on an extra sweater, my heaviest coat, the hat my daughter crocheted me for Christmas, fleece gloves, and away I went. Proof of the cold is above - the ducks are standing on ice. I stood and watched them for awhile. They skidded and slid. Landing, they wobbled and their webbed feet occasionally went in opposite directions. Very entertaining.

Going to the store was colder than the homeward trip. The first faced into the wind and the second pushed me home.

I like a good salad for lunch. Soup and salad, or just salad. Today was just salad. It satisfies my need for crunch.

On the way home through the Rockies last week, we stopped in Canmore for lunch, at the CrazyWeed Restaurant. Most people probably assume that Crazy Weed refers to that plant smoked by many people and recently legalized in the state of Washington. However, Crazyweed, written as one word, turns up very different hits in the search engine. Whatever the name, we each ordered a salad. I had the Thai Coconut Chicken Salad. Wonderful, fresh, flavourful. The dressing was a Soy Lime Vinaigrette. I tried reproducing it today. Without success. More lime, less soy, I think. I'll try again when this is finished.

Cold. Salad. Lunch. Crazyweed. I think it's time for some tea. How's your day going?


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    That is a delicious looking salad. Hope you are able to duplicate the dressing on your next try. Stay warm. A cuppa tea sounds wonderful. Raining hard in in GA tonight.

  2. I love the duck photo! The colours are so brilliant. You're in a cold snap there? Unusual. Thanks for the link for The Crazy Weed restaurant. It looks really interesting. Your salad looks delicious. I love a fresh salad on it's own or with a meal. We are definitely planning to go to Lake Louise when we go out and I can't wait. I'm glad you shared your photos of it as it inspired me. Thanks!!

  3. It's been a busy one! And I have been chilled all day, despite the indoor temperature not budging. But it is damp outside, so that must be the difference. I've spent most of the day organizing papers and electronic banking. It went by in a flash!

  4. Something crunchy sounds real good.
    It really is cold out there!!

  5. Your photos are beautiful! Love having a salad...actually we had one today! I used some of the leftover bar-b-que meat we had and added a few more items...it was yummy! Course I wish I'd have had a bowl of soup with all the snow we're getting! 😉


  6. My day is going well, thank you. We had some hot tea - and then mini pizzas for dinner with a nice green salad. I think we are pretending that it is summer. It sure isn't summer - we won't be above freezing until at least Sunday - brrr r r rr rrr - but at least so far, no snow.

  7. I didn't even notice that the ducks were atop the water! I had to scroll back up to see!

    It was a cold day here, but not as cold as it has been recently. We did some school work in the morning, met some friends for lunch, shopped for a baby shower gift...back home for supper and more school. We are watching Ken Burns' documentary The West, so no bookwork with tonight's session. :)

  8. After being so dry last week that things in the house cracked. it is damp and cold and rainy and the chill seems to penetrate our bones. Brave of you to walk in such weather! I enjoyed seeing your blogger tea---it looked lovely!

  9. Snow coming. Lots of it. Will have bouncing boys all day. Yee Haw! I hope John will put to work clearing the drive. Yes, I do believe in child labor.

    I like the concept of walking to the store for salad ingredients and whatever else. There would have to have been chocolate tucked into my bag.

  10. Those ducks are always so entertaining! The last time I walked in the bog they flocked around me, hoping for duck food. They followed behind me for quite a way!
    Salad on such a cold day - you and I are different there, as I'd have craved a very hot, very thick soup. That said, your salad sounds delicious!

  11. We've got the first phase of our next storm too, a wintery mix. Which may turn to snow and then ice…

    You are a brave one to walk to the market in that cold! Your salad sounds wonderful - hope you get the dressing figured out!


  12. It really was cold today. I took Miss S to the lake to watch the ducks, but it was a short outing. The lake wasn't frozen so these ducks mostly huddled on the beach with their noses tucked under their wings.

  13. Beautifully photographs. Those poor ducks must have had cold feet! I notice you did have sunshine even if it was cold which helps I think. We have it wet and windy but not too cold here which is simply depressing! Your salad looks delicious.

  14. I like those mallard reflections! Nice to have the wind pushing you home but it must have been very cold walking to the store.

  15. I enjoy a good salad, but today may be more a soup day as the snow is swirling around outdoors. I can understand your comments about the weather. I found out, while living in Saskatchewan, that there really is such a thing as a "dry cold" and that one could dress for it and feel fine. It would be so different for your area.

    I appreciated your colourful post today, Lorrie.


  16. My your salad veggies look so refreshing. I love salad's too. The Thai Coconut one sounded quite yummy, I love Thai food (hubby doesn't care for it that much though). Those poor ducks. Yep it's a cold one here again today. Which by the way I live in Washington State but not "crazy weed" for this gal.

  17. I've wished to have my camera on me when I've seen the ducks on the ice. On Monday I saw one take off from the path I was walking on and land on the ice... sliding as it landed like a plane coming in. Looked like fun!

  18. I love the ducks and their reflections but, gosh, they do look cold. Very brave of you to venture out in such weather, I don't know if I would. It's the weather for summer salads here, so yours looks very appealing. Good luck with the vinaigrette.

  19. I loved this post, Lorrie -- very entertaining. :-D The first picture of the ducks on the ice is beautiful!! I do agree with you that a damp cold, especially combined with wind, cuts right to the bone. We've had a lot of wind this winter where we are, although today it is warmer. The weather has been quite a roller coaster around here; I don't know what to expect next.

    Your salad looks delish! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.



  20. Like seeing the ducks on the frozen pond.
    The crazyweed salad sounds good. Always
    looking for a good salad dressing recipe. If
    you figure it out, please share. Now I want
    some salad.

  21. Lovely colourful pictures, Lorrie. I love soup and salad too....but today it is cold here so it's a soup day for me, I made a big pot of it yesterday in the aga!
    Helen xx

  22. Love your duck pic! I took a photo of ducks on a frozen pond this week as well. I've been opting for soup rather than salad these last few days...just to keep warm. :) And we thought spring was upon us!

  23. The ducks make good reflections on the ice.


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