Friday, February 28, 2014

Five on Friday

This naturalized lawn, currently awash with croci and cyclamen adds immense cheer to my walks. Mossy trees only add to the charm. 

Earlier in the month I made a mushroom onion stuffed pork tenderloin. Delicious with an applesauce sweetened sauce. I made it again last weekend and was very underwhelmed with the results. The difference is in how long the pork is cooked. Overdone equals tough and dry. 

Another new idea I tried was roasting beets. They took a fair while in the oven, nestled into a foil pouch with a drizzle of olive oil, but the result was scrumptious and sweet. I combined them with sticks of apple, topped with blue cheese and fresh chives. I dressed the beets and apple separately in a bit of apple cider vinegar and salt and pepper. Different, but satisfyingly crunchy, sweet, tart and creamy. 

Vee hosted a discussion on the season finale of Downton Abbey. Actually, there were two discussions because she had so many wonderful screen shots. The second focused somewhat on fashion. This blue coat worn by Lady Mary is one of my favorite pieces from her wardrobe. She has beautiful dresses and gowns, but this jacket speaks my language. The fit, the velvet lapel and cuffs - it's something I could see myself wearing.

And for the last of my five Friday items, the sun is shining and I'm off to run a few errands. Library, bank, grocery store and perhaps I'll fit in a cuddle with Mister F. 

Have a wonderful start to your weekend. 


  1. Hallelujah for that sunshine. I'm enjoying it too. They say a change is coming tomorrow so I'll get out and about and enjoy it while I can. Love that scene with Mary and Matthew and the jacket. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh thank you for including that coat. I found it, but not that photo showing the entire thing. It really is a lovely style. If I had a waist, I'd love it, too. You would look beautiful in something like that. Any chance of finding a pattern and fabric similar?

    I am not looking at the food. I'd never be able to pull off anything that high falutin'.

    1. Though John would certainly appreciate my trying! Especially with the beets!

  3. Wow Lorrie, I LOVE that lawn in your first picture!! I've never seen cyclamen growing wild around here. We have to buy them in pots from the florist or garden shop. Your stuffed pork loin looks awesome; I think that would be a big hit around here. I love Mary's wardrobe too, and that is definitely a smart-looking coat. Thanks for sharing with us -- have a wonderful weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  4. That lawn in bloom really captured my attention. I've never seen anything like that in spring here. It certainly is pretty. And your stuffed pork loin looks so delicious. I hope you have a nice weekend. If the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining it should be. :) Enjoy!

  5. This is the season of wild cyclamen, and coupled with crocus they look breathtaking.
    Pork tenderloin is so good stuffed with mushrooms. I wrap mine loosely in foil to stop it getting overcooked.

  6. I too like Mary's coat and the beet dish looks so interesting--even good! for a person who has never made beets as I always hated them as a child. :-) Have a great weekend.

  7. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Very interesting post. My husband loves beets, and your creation looks delicious. Hope you have enjoyed your day out. Have a blessed weekend.

  8. The lawn with the spring bulbs peeking through is just gorgeous. I generally do roast our beets from the garden as they have a much nicer flavour. Sometimes I roast carrots with them.

  9. Your stuffed pork loin looks delicious! Was the first one enough of a success to merit trying again?
    I can imagine how cheering such lawns would be on a late winter's walk.

  10. Loved that blanket of purple....and the pork....yummy!

  11. Your lawn - oh, my!!
    I got TWO bunches of beets in my CSA box this week, and I am planning to roast them. Yum!

  12. Oh that lawn is naturalized gardens.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Oh that 'lawn' of blooming spring flowers, so beautiful! I would like to walk barefoot through it.

    Mary's coat is lovely - all her clothes, and most everyone's in DA are fabulous. I would love to have lived in that era wearing such beautiful things, most handmade too. Then there are the shoes and hats - I want them all.

    I love roasted beets - that plate of goodies looks right up my vegetarian alley!

    Happy weekend Lorrie dear - cuddling/snuggling sounds good - once I get this day organized I'm planning on that this evening as my Netflix movie is 'Enchanted April' with the fire roaring as it's cold again here!

    Mary X

  14. Aren't Miz Vee's discussions fun? I get just as much of a kick out of reading all the comments on her posts as I do her posts. Oh, and a touch of spring! Lovely! I thought our first daffodil of the season would bloom this week, but a cold front changed that idea. Next week for sure!

  15. I roasted beets once for a Mardi Gras salad...I guess now would be the time to get the recipe out again wouldn't it? I think the crocus are delightful. I just joined all of you Downton Abbey fanatics in the past two months. I've not watched that much tv in years to catch up to the 4th season. I'm having a little trouble with all of the drama. Costuming and settings are gorgeous though.

  16. Love seeing naturalized crocus and also daffodils this time of year.
    The ones here are beautiful!
    The beets actually tempt me to try and this isn't something I would
    normally do. Looks quite good.

  17. I have been admiring Lady Mary's wardrobe all season--she looks lovely in almost everything she wears. I don't have her figure, however, so I would not even attempt one of those outfits. :)

    I love roasting root vegetables, like beets. I think they taste better and after peeling and slicing them the oven does all the work

  18. Lady Mary looks so elegant throughout the series, but then I am biased as the actress comes from the same area where I lived as a child!! Your pork looked absolutely delicious and the wonderful bulbs saying hello once again is so cheery. Have a wonderful weekend. xx

  19. Hi Lorrie,

    How welcoming are those beautiful lavenders and mauves in the croci and cyclamen against the grassy green; very pretty! And, to add to the colour scheme, your sweet, baked beets, garnished with apples and blue cheese look absolutely and refreshingly delicious, as does your stuffed pork, which doesn't look dry at all here. You are quite the chef, my dear!

    Happy March!


  20. That tenderloin looks delicious!

  21. Your pork roast looks delicious! I know what you mean about the cooking time making or breaking it. I've found out that I have to use the thermometer and trust it too. Love the fashion in Downton Abbey. Styles I've never experienced. I cant' imagine being dressed up like that all the time, though. =)

  22. Love the naturalized lawn, it would make me smile too! The stuffed pork loin looks so yummy- any chance you would share the recipe?


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