Friday, February 21, 2014

Five on Friday

Blog post ideas come in spurts. Some days the ideas flow, other days they stagnant. Today is one of the latter. I thought I'd join in with others - I've seen Five on Friday and Friday Favorites.  This is a takeoff on that idea. 
Sunshine in the house is so welcome and I captured the light, if not the warmth. I'm hoping for more as the earth tilts ever so slowly towards the sun.

Tiny spoons in a china teacup, with a vintage French postcard, all under a cloche. This just makes me happy to look at. 

Bacon-wrapped dates. So easy. So addictive. I made these for the baby shower last month, and again for our Valentine's dinner. The thickness of the bacon makes a big difference. I usually purchase bacon at the fresh meat counter, by the slice. It's thicker, and I think, tastier than the plastic-packaged stuff. But they were out last week, so I bought a package. Much thinner and I rolled the slices around the dates several times. Still very tasty. Tim loves these.

Always intricate lichen. But I'd like to point you in another direction. Jen of Muddy Boot Dreams alerted me to this blog possibility - a "return to top" button. You can see it there in the lower right hand corner of my blog. I often read through a post in its entirety, then scroll back for photo details or to get to a link. This button takes you back to the top - so very convenient.
Here's a link to Brenda's Blog Tips on how to add the return to top button to your blog. Also, check out Jen's blog for really wonderful photography.

So little. So new. So precious. Mister F is settling quite well. Here he is sleeping soundly under the same blanket his father used, made for him by his maternal grandmother. Definitely a favorite on this Friday.

Any favorites to share?


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I love this post. Mister F is adorable and how special to have that keepsake blanket.
    After early a.m. thunderstorms, we have sunshine coming thru the windows, too. I love your cloche and the tiny treasures inside of it. The dates/bacon are new to me but sound delicious.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend. Mildred

  2. Very sweet favorites.

    My favorite is Mister F.

  3. Sweet favorites. What a great first photo of the sun streaming on your table. I've read that bacon has become wildly popular, no wonder I see so many "with bacon" recipes. Yours looks so good.

  4. Wonderful favorites. That wee babe is so sweet to see...

  5. Yep, the 'Back to Top' button is right where it should be. Good idea.

    Sweet little boy. We're looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. Happy Friday.

  6. Oh, Mr. F is just adorable… so sweet. Thanks for the link on how to add a return to the top of page button. I've always wondered how to do it. Have a nice weekend, Lorrie.

  7. Oh gosh I could just cuddle that little guy!

  8. saved the best for last. What a sweetheart all bundled up so cozy.

    I like the "back to top" button because it shows up sooner than the home button on the bottom. I also have a "home button" on the top so that I can get out of archives quickly to my home page. I'll visit Brenda. Thanks for the tip!

  9. Oh, sweet baby. I wrap my grandson in a pink quilt his great-great grandmother made for his mother.
    Love the cloche with the teacup.
    Happy weekend!

  10. I like the cloche vignette, very feminine with the teacup and vintage postcard. I've made bacon wrapped water chestnuts (from a tin) but the dates sound even better! Yum!
    What a nice way to end your five shared than with a sweet baby. Mister F is definitely a sweetie. Thanks for the link for the 'back to top' tutorial.

  11. I like these types of posts, as they're like a little chat. I enjoyed getting to see your world one bit at a time. Of course, Mr. F is a wonderful part of your world right now! Thank you for sharing him with us!

    (The "home" key on my laptop serves the same function as the "Back To Top" button. Is that unique to my keyboard?)

  12. Mister F is so cute and he looks so very peaceful sleeping there! Loved the beautiful teacup and the sunlight (we had some today)!
    Have a great weekend Lorrie.
    PS: Yep, my Farmer Boy once had a boat too. Now it is my son's project:)

  13. Mr. F sure is looking cute! Hmmm, I don't see a back to top button at all...

  14. Oh, now I see it! It's way over on the extreme bottom right of my (big) computer monitor. I was looking for it within the blog margins, silly me.

  15. Little Mr F. is adorable, Lorrie. The dates looks delicious and the sunlight photos I love (of course).

    Thanks for the blog tip; I had never thought about such a button, but I just choose one and added it.


  16. That last picture is way to precious.
    Will check out the Back to the Top thing - that's handy.
    Also checking out those Bacon Wrapped Dates...Looks and sounds Yummy.

  17. Oh so precious!!! The other photos get my imagination going - I especially liked how the camera caught that little drip of grease on the end of the toothpick.

  18. All lovely... I can see why they are favourites. That little one...oh so precious.

  19. Oh my what a lovely photo of the baby! So sweet. And your dates look so yummy. That is a treat I would definitely love to try. :) Have a great week! Kit


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