Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Cautionary Tale

If a man buys a boat, he's going to spend a lot of time working on it.

Then, he's going to need a vehicle with enough power to pull it to the water.

When he gets the vehicle, he'll probably ask you to sew an anchor rode bag for some rope.

When you've finished the anchor rode bag, he'll think it a good idea that you know how to drive the boat as well. So you'll take weeks of lessons on Boating Essentials and learn all about charts and plotting and buoys and daybeacons and how to avoid the chunky bits that litter the ocean waters.

He'll want to eat well out on the boat, so he'll give you some boating cook books for Christmas (at your request). 

If you give a man a boat.

(with a nod to If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff)


  1. If you give a man a boat, his children and grandchildren will want boat rides . . .

  2. Good job my man doesn't want a boat it seems!

  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    LOL! The cookbook looks very interesting!

  4. May he have many hours of happy boating.

  5. Looks like I am glad hubby never achieved one of his dreams!

  6. Nice boat!!! Sounds like you two will be spending some wonderful time on the water this year. We were at Chapter's this morning and saw that very book. :)

  7. Oh my! I can just imagine where all this may lead for you! But have fun. The boat is pretty!

  8. Thank you for the heads up! If hubby ever mentions a boat the answer is "No" ... LOL. I'm sure you two will have a wonderful time on the water. Listening to the waves and the seagulls.

  9. Ha! Have fun. A couple in our small group have a sailboat and it's been fun to hear about their adventures...

  10.'s just the beginning, from what I understand!

  11. Oh Boy! You are going to have so many adventures now!
    A few years ago I took the Power squadron course and this fall we both took the radio operators course.
    We'll have to keep our eyes out for you on the water...
    (when the weather gets better as I don't do gale force winds!)

  12. My man doesn't want a boat - but I sure do. He grew up in landlocked Wisconsin and has no desire for a boat - though he will pacify my longing by taking boat rides with me now and then. He'd love to eat things from the cookbooks I"m sure.

  13. That looks as if you two will be having some fine times! My parents had a speedboat for a few years and how we all loved that boat.

  14. We are going to get boating/ocean pictures!!! Please take us along!!

  15. Oh that is cute! And you are such a great sport!

  16. I can totally relate to this post Lorrie! A man and his boat have a very special relationship - I know all about that!
    Your boat looks great and it looks like you will be able to sleep overnight on it!

    My husband bought an old classic launch when I was in France last year!
    He is restoring it piece by piece, meticulously.
    I helped too until I damaged my knees from kneeling for 5 hours cleaning the bilge and spent a couple of months at the physio!
    I will post some photos soon and you will see!
    I have noted those cookbooks they look wonderful. We already have a little library of boat books as we had an old launch years ago when the children were little and had so many wonderful holidays in it!

  17. We have a boat, lttle one, but my husband think I never learn to ride . So learned myself with out he to know , and surprised him one summer . now he's thinkin I'm the only person who rides and take care of the boat :o)

  18. Well, you've been busy! We really enjoyed being on my husband's uncle's boat up at the family cottage in Ontario. I'm sure you'll both enjoy it greatly!


  19. I recognized the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie immediately.

    I have always heard that the only thing better than owning a boat is having a friend with a boat.

    Have fun on the water.

  20. Oh yes, same concept: a boat or a cookie.
    Have fun driving, boating, and cooking.

  21. ….well this is one thing I'll never have to worry about thankfully! I love boats but hubby not so much - at least not small ones. However, invite him on a cruise ship and he'll be packed in no time!!

    Have fun and get your sea legs and cooking on the waves skills ready dear!
    Mary x

  22. LOL, it's the same way with buying a camera! Then you need camera straps, lenses, filters, cleaning equipment, tripod, ball head, bags, chargers, extra batteries, gps unit, remote cable release, digital programs, external hard drives, printers, ink, photo paper, monitor calibration, etc.

    I know you'll have fun with that boat!

  23. May you all have wonderful and happy times on that boat!


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