Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crispy Chocolate Almond Pastries

On Saturday I had a hankering to try out this recipe I'd found on line awhile ago. It turned out well, although I will make some changes next time. This pastry, with crispy phyllo layers touched with butter and a crunchy nutty chocolate center - all topped with a dusting of icing sugar - simple and oh, so good.

A recipe is hardly needed. I melted 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips and stirred in about 1/4 cup of slivered almonds. For each roll, I used one sheet of phyllo pastry, brushed with melted butter, then folded in half. A good tablespoon of chocolate was placed along the bottom center of the pastry, the sides folded in, more butter applied, then the pastry was rolled up, placed on a parchment lined baking sheet, brushed with more butter, and finally, baked at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Dust with sifted icing sugar and serve while slightly warm.

Next time, I'll add some cream to the chocolate mixture to make more of a ganache. I found that the chocolate chips hardened fairly quickly. Adding some candied orange peel or candied ginger would add a little zip as well. And I'd toast the nuts. 

I'm linking to White Wednesday at Faded Charm. 


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    This is a beautiful dessert and it looks so delicate. It really turned out beautifully. Happy White Wednesday.

    Linen & Verbena

  2. Oh my goodness - this looks tempting!

  3. Oh merci pour cette recette, et pour les commentaires - nous allons en Allemagne cet après-midi et j'achèterai tout ce qu'il faut. Je pense que j'aurai le temps de les faire ce week-end et je te dirai comment ça s'est passé et si on a aimé (mais je crois que je connais déjà la réponse...)

  4. This looks like a delicious and easy sweet treat to have with afternoon coffee. Yum!

  5. That looks wonderful and it's pretty as well. Your recipe changes sound like a good plan. Will you get back to us on them? I mean, you might have to try these again and again until you get it just right.

  6. Those look great! I'm printing that out! I need more chocolate in my life!!!!

  7. Yum! And they look so pretty.

  8. Now those look like small treats to add to one's week of new adventures!

  9. If you ever need a taste tester, I'm the girl!
    Mmmm they look delicious.

  10. Wow, that looks good! I'm cheating this Sunday - a local baker is offering Sunday Gateaux Saint Honoré at a knock-down price and I ordered one today! I never do things like that and I'm just delighted to have broken out of the mould for once!

    Thanks very much for your helpful advice about Blogger.

  11. Wow, Lorrie, these look like they were made at a professional bakery . . . only better.

  12. Wow they look delicious an d so light.


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