Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Making Things

I love making collages. Doing more of them is on the list of "things to do when I'm finished my degree." The list is getting longer and I'm becoming more impatient. But I'm continuing to focus on studying while doing just enough other stuff to keep me sane. I made the above collage for a friend. It didn't take long and I had such a good time playing with paint, paper and scissors.

Here's something else I made. And oh, it was too good not to share. Ultra-simple and ultra-delicious! Toasted whole grain bread topped with Nutella and fresh strawberries. I also tried it with peanut butter, but the nutella won - according to the tastebud poll. Unfortunately, the strawberries are the sort of crunchy ones from California since our berry season is at least a month away. Try it, you'll love it! 


  1. Oh, yum! I love strawberries. Might give this a try!

  2. Collages, baking, degrees.....a woman of many talents!

  3. That open faced strawberry sandwich looks delicious! Thanks for the idea....I think!

  4. I have a post waiting in the wings and if I posted it, you'd think that I had stolen your beautiful idea. This is getting scary. We're hanging out together way too much. LOL! Nutella...can't handle it. May I substitute melted chocolate?

  5. Your collage is beautiful. A friend introduced me to Nutella years ago and it remains a staple in my cabinet. I use raisins on it, too.

  6. Crafting and eating two of my most favourite things to do!

  7. Lorrie...that strawberry nutella toast almost has me drooling! Rosie and I buy strawberries and dip them into nutella...delicious but oh so dangerous for the waistline (well, mine at least, she seems to remain tiny :).
    P.S. Love your almost looks like a painting...also admire your focus on your goal...wish I had more of that...seems as if I'm not the multi~tasker I used to be. ;)))

  8. Nutella and strawberries - sounds like a winning combination.

  9. Nutella and strawberries - sounds like a winning combination.

  10. Okay.. now I have to go out and get some Nutella. What a way to eat strawberries!

    And your collage... I HEART it! Love the colors, the bird motif and the way you've put it all together.

  11. The strawberry and Nutella sound wonderful!

  12. The degree is worth the wait! Strawberries and nutell sound good together :)

  13. This collage is just beautiful!
    Made "with heart and soul"!
    So easy just to go out and buy something but to create something 'handmade'- what a special gift!


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