Friday, May 27, 2011

Rainy Days

Dull, drizzly skies this week had me craving bright color. There's nothing but green in the yard just now, so I bought a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store and de-constructed it.

Five golden gerberas stand like sentinels of spring and hopes of summer in recycled condiment bottles on my dining room table.

Their brightness reminds me that summer will come, and that God is very present.

In my comfortable home, I think of those who have lost much in the past few months - floods in Manitoba and Quebec, fires in Slave Lake, floods and tornadoes in the USA, earthquakes in Japan, wars in Africa and the Middle East. And I wonder that I even dare to complain about the rain and cold. 


  1. Bright and cheery blooms indeed! I always deconstruct flower arrangements. Certainly when we consider all the struggles that some face each and every day, we cannot complain about much of anything. I try to remember that each morning when I arise and at the end of the day, I give thanks for it all. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  2. Good idea to buy some cheer... I know what you mean. Goodness, I was almost complaining that the sun was too hot when I was out planting today. I stopped myself just in time.

  3. Gorgeous hits of sunshine on your table!...and how, indeed, can we complain about the rain when elsewhere the weather has caused such horror?

  4. I like the flowers in individual containers! And they are a good stand in for sun shine on a dreary day.

  5. daisies are my favorite and i love the vibrant colors of the gerberas! great idea separating them....looks lovely!

  6. Beautiful post. I like what you did to the flowers, deconstruct. Neat. Take care and have a great weekend.

  7. Just the right flowers, Lorrie, to bring sunshine into your house.
    Please send the rain to us! No rain here since week and everything is drying out. What a world!

    Our thoughts are with all the people in the world, struggling....

    Best wishes for a peaceful and sunny weekend, karin

  8. You couldnt feel anything but cheerful with those gorgeous Gerberas in front of you. Rays of sunshine!

  9. I love this idea! You can really spread the sunshine around in your house! Wanna trade houses for a month? It's wickedly sunny and hot here in AZ already. I can incent you that tomatoes are coming ready in my garden. Lots and lots of them.


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