Friday, May 13, 2011

Lilac Time

" the perfume of the lilacs came in little puffs on the crystal air."

L. M. Montgomery

I do love lilacs. Their season is all too short. Looking over my pictures, I realize that I have no photos of the lilac bush in our yard in Victoria. The photo above was taken 2 years ago in East Sooke Park.

Tim and I decided, on the May long weekend in 2009, to hike the entire length of the Coast Trail. We had a wonderful time. Along the way I spied this lilac bush, blooming its heart out, in the middle of nowhere. It marks the site where a cabin once stood.

Yesterday, I went out and bought a lilac bush to place in our newly fenced yard. I don't know if deer eat lilacs, but it wouldn't surprise me if they did. So I'll keep it safe.

On another note, I'm so glad to see that Blogger is back. It got me to thinking. I have no way to contact some of the bloggers I consider friends, except through their blogs. I'm thinking that I should create a file of email addresses - just so I can contact them if Blogger decides to take a longer holiday. 


  1. I was thinking the same thing...lots of emails that I should round up. I'm so excited about the little lilac buds coming. I have a white one and a purple one and it's a highlight of spring. I agree, it's all too short.

  2. Wise decision to hide your lilacs from the deer, even if they only sniffed them!

  3. hi lorrie
    i love lilac,too!!!!
    have a wonderful weekend,
    love regina

  4. Lilacs ! What a fragrance they emit. My memory says that everyone one had a lilac bush in their yard when I was growing up.

  5. Hello Lorrie - I love the quote from L.M. Montgomery. I like reading the quotes you include in your blog. We have lots of deer around here and I have never noticed deer damage on my lilacs.

  6. I can hardly wait until the lilac bush under my kitchen window starts to bloom! Love, love lilacs and I will be sure to have the window open to enjoy the scent! Have a great week end Lorrie and thanks for letting me know that the Blogger issue was not an issue with my computer :)

  7. Lilacs . . . ahh, sweet memories of childhood. There was a row a lilac bushes down the lane that had grown over the fence. I think every child in the neighbourhood would bring some home to Mama.

  8. The lilacs are beautiful. Mine are just beginning to show signs of opening!

    I agree about blog friends. I've only been doing this for 4 months and I realized how many people I would miss if I had no way to contact them. So we must consider ourselves warned and take action!

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Dear Lorrie,

    Thanks for your kind comments and your prayers. You are so right about our world groaning... He is nearer than ever.


  10. Hi Lorrie,

    A wonderful story - love that little lilac. They are my favorite flowers - had them in abundance at my childhood home and my grandmother's house. They bring back many fond memories. We have several large bushes in our front yard - as you might expect, lilacs will not be blooming in Calgary for a while! They just broke bud and are about 1 inch leaves...

    I can almost smell them!!
    xo Terri

  11. I was surprised when Blogger was down and it was "read only." What is reading without commenting? Yes to the lilac. My daughter and I just planted three in our yard. Maybe we will have blooms next year. Nancy H

  12. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I just love lilacs too - they are one of my absolute favorites! Mine are just starting to come out which is just about on time - I thought they would have been later considering the lousy Spring we had!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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