Sunday, May 01, 2011

Playing with Clematis

I took some more photos of the clematis seen in my last post. Then I spent a happy hour playing with the color settings, the saturation and other options in Picasa. The original photo is the one at top left. 

Looking at photos on various blogs, I've noticed that many are filled with light. Tracy Ayton is one photographer who has a lot of white in many photos. Jill is another.

Then, I've recently noticed another trend, of more saturation and contrast, giving almost a "wandering on the Bronte moors" look to photos. Alicia does this beautifully. 

I'm a strictly amateur photographer. Someday, I'd like to take some courses, or spend some time studying all the wonderful tutorials on the Internet. People are so generous with their knowledge. In the meantime, I'll play with Picasa a little and enjoy my clematis.

How about you? Where do you learn about photography? 

Speaking of photography, Mary, the hostess of Mosaic Monday, is a superb photographer, and many of the blogs that link to the site are filled with equally wonderful photos. Click on over and take a look!


  1. Anonymous4:30 AM

    thank you for stopping by! I see you live in BC, I'm originially from vancouver! oh how i miss it! I'll be sure to check back, I love all your work and have enjoyed going through your photos.

  2. Once upon a time, I aspired to being a far better photographer. Somewhere along the way, I gave up my quest. I used to play a lot more. Now I find it's quicker to just pop the photos in merely resizing. I like your playing very much. I like that by playing, the little red leaf becomes visible. It's there, why not make it show? Well done, Lorrie. Keep playing!

  3. Love your white clematis...great photos. I am a big Picasa fan and do so much editing with it. It is so easy and fast. I've tried several programs and keep going back to Picasa. You can download the photoshop prograns for thirty days to try and I do like what I can do with them also. They are just so time consuming.
    Have a beautiful day and keep snapping!!!

  4. Isn't it fun to play with the photos. There is so much to learn. I'm now using a tripod, hoping that will help my photos be sharper. I use Adobe Photoshop Elements to adjust my photos. Recently I acquired "Lightroom" but have much to learn about that. You are right, there is much information on the internet. Nancy

  5. Your clematis are beautiful!

  6. Lovely spring clematis...and fun versions of the same picture.

    I have the programs at my fingertips...Photoshop, Picasa and more...and just use them for the basics. As for my is capable of so much...and I have it on 'auto' for the most part. I would love to take a photography course...but keep postponing until I have 'more time'. We all know when that will happen!

  7. I think I can get lost spending time in photoshop as easily as reading blogs! Beautiful clematis!

  8. What beautiful flowers and a gorgeous mosaic! I always say I want to try something different...and then I don't! But what you've done is what I'd like to make! Happy Monday! ♥

  9. Isn't it fun to just play with photos and see what happens? And now I'm off to investigate the new people you've introduced me to........

  10. You have done an interesting mosaic. I too love playing around with programs for pictures. I have several on my iPhone, many of them free and really good. I have also found some great inexpensive apps for the Mac. I am off to visit the other sites you have noted. Will check back soon.

  11. Your clematis is beautiful! I like using Picasa for photo editing as it is quick and easy. I'd also love to take photography lessons one day in order to learn more about features of my camera I never use.

  12. How breathtakingly beautiful.

  13. Beautiful flowers you've got here!!

  14. Your photographs of these beautiful flowers are exquisite. You are so right about it seeming as though one is wandering Bronte's moors. Maybe Heathcliff picked a tiny bouquet similar to these flowers to gift Catherine. Then again, maybe he just stomped on them; he was rather contradictory in behavior, wasn't he?


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