Monday, May 23, 2011

Victoria Day Sunshine

The Monday on or before May 24th is when Canadians celebrate Victoria Day - in honor of Queen Victoria's birthday on that day in 1819, and to celebrate the reigning sovereign's birthday as well.

Traditionally, this weekend is also the weekend to plant gardens. And so I did - all my starters are in the ground, some protected still by row covers because it has been a very chilly spring.

Beguiled by the today's sunny weather, we celebrated with a barbecue, and enjoyed our meal outdoors. I'm so thankful for the fence, creating a private yard in which to enjoy ourselves without the world's eyes upon us. 

Both daughters, one son-in-law and a friend joined us for lunch. The cherry tree is full of blossoms and Gerry found great pleasure in shaking the blossoms all over Cristal, and scattering them on Ashley and even Tim. It was like pink snow! After lunch we took the dishes indoors, made tea, and played a game of Ticket to Ride. We just didn't want to miss any of the glorious sunshine!

I'm hoping this is the beginning of a long, long stretch of sunny days. An occasional drizzly Thursday would be just fine. 

Joining in with many other bloggers for Mosaic Monday.


  1. We had sunshine too, but it was cool all day up here. I think it was warmer in Victoria.
    What a great way to spend the holiday!

  2. We had a great grad week end,,,must get some pics posted! Grad day was Friday and was a little overcast,but made for pretty good picture taking. Today was misty and rainy,,,,but all in all a great week end here in AB. I have so much yard work to do,,,glad you got some done!! Have a great week

  3. May it be so...a once in a while drizzly Thursday. Loved the reference to pink snow. That's the kind I especially like. Glad your Victoria Day was a fun, family one.

  4. Overcast but warm on Victoria Day here. Looks like you have a fabulous day. Did go shopping for some annuals to put in the garden, but have not planted them yet. Have a great week.

  5. Yes, Lorrie the weather was perfect for the Queen's birthday celebrations! We went for a walk through Bowen Park to see the wildflower meadow.

  6. Dear Lorrie,
    Happy Victoria Day!
    And best wishes for a very sunny week!
    Many greetings from the PĂ©rigord and thank you very much for all your lovely comments!

  7. Sounds like a fun day! Love the picture of the blossoms "raining"...great shot! What is Ticket to Ride? I have never heard of that.

  8. What a happy, sunny mosaic, looks like you too had wonderful weather for dejeuner en plein air!

  9. Raining petals - or pink's a beautiful sight to see. Glad to hear that you had such a wonderful Victoria Day and family fun! Sunshine Always!

  10. Good to see you had such wonderful weather for Victoria Day. Love the raining petals from your cherry tree!


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