Friday, May 06, 2011

It's been one of those weeks. A couple of major disappointments put me into a bit of a funk. On the positive side, I finished another course (the dreadful Political Science), and received some lovely mail two days in a row.

The fabric above is from Cloud 9, and I won it in a giveaway on Noodlehead's blog. Along with the fabric she included a download of her 241 Bag pattern. I hope to be making the bag soonish. The fabric is organic cotton and has a lovely feel to it. Thank you, Anna.

Yesterday this parcel arrived. French scent and soaps, oooh la la! The scent is Rose Eternelle and smells like the flowers from one of my rosebushes in our garden in Victoria. Sweet and light. Love it. This giveaway was hosted by Slavica from Seductively French. Thank you, Slavica.

And although the week has not been the best, I'm looking forward to the weekend. Our son and his wife are coming up (with the grandbaby, of course). So today I'm fluffing the house, shopping for groceries, and cooking - with a spritz of rose scent to make me feel elegant.


  1. Congratulations lucky girl! You crack me up with "soonish". Love the bubble outfit for the grandbaby, very cute.

  2. What a WONDERFUL ending to a...week you'd rather forget!
    Happy Mother's Day dear!
    ;-D Kathleen

  3. How LOVELY that your not so perfect week should have surprises of the sweet and fragrant kind to ensure things kinds stay in balance.

    You mention wearing a spritz of rose scent.....that would definitely perk me up too!

  4. Some weeks are just like that - a little more challenge than joy - but you have perspective and I know that your weekend will make up for the little disappointments. Down here we are gradually coming up to the light - I'll be up your way in the coming weeks. Let's meet!

  5. Enjoy your gifts and the gifts of you family this weekend.

  6. Fabulous wins. Enjoy the visit with your family. Happy Mother's Day.

  7. Some weeks are very 'downgetting', to use an old expression of my mum's.
    I'm glad you had nice little surprises to cheer you.

  8. Je comprends tout à fait ce sentiment d'une semaine qui se passe moyennement bien... mais heureusement la vie nous réserve quelques agréables surprises ! Le flacon de parfum à la rose est vraiment joli. Et le tissu... magnifique !
    Je te souhaite un très bon week-end avec ta famille et ta petite-fille ! Rien de tel que le sourire d'un enfant pour illuminer une humeur sombre.
    Grosses bises !

  9. Ohhhh, one should fluff the house before the kids come? I probably should get going. ;>

    It makes me smile to think of you wearing rose water to make you feel elegant. I like that. A signature scent perhaps...

    Hope that the memory of this not-so-great week fades fast with all the Mother's Day happenings. Enjoy!

  10. Oh! Congrats on another course "in the can" so to speak.

  11. Happy Mother's Day to you...especially after a funky week!

  12. Dear Lorrie,
    Best wishes for today, the Mother's Day!

    And a good start for tomorrow, a new week which should/will be good for You!

    Thank you so much for your sweet and thoughtful comment.

    Heartily greetings, karin


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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