Sunday, May 15, 2011

Words to Inspire

"What do you want me to do for you?" He asked.

Jesus ... said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Matthew 20: 32     Matthew 19:26


  1. What a beautiful rose, is it from your garden?

  2. I can't wait to see my lilacs (yes, the deer eat them!) and roses, if it ever stops raining and we get some sun!

  3. A beautiful rose and beautiful words!
    Have a nice sunday,

  4. Today I feel like I am facing an impossible! thanks for the reminder, I will try to remember Jesus' words, meant for me today.

  5. dear lorrie,
    what a sweet rose. wonderful words!
    have a nice week,
    blessing regina

  6. Oh Lorrie! I really needed this today. Thank you for reminding me.
    Have a wonderful week ahead, and thanks for your visit.
    Monica x

  7. A beautiful image and words!
    xo Terri

  8. Your words of inspiration always provoke thought Lorrie. Have a wonderful week!

  9. Thank you for both the photo and the words of hope.

  10. Funny how things coincide... my sister and I were just musing those wonderful words and here you have them on your blog!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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