Sunday, May 08, 2011

Weekend Potpourri

It was a lovely weekend. Skype calls from my daughters, pink roses from my husband, and a visit from the grandbaby and her parents. 

In between Saturday's rainstorms we wandered through the Fire and Ice Festival in Qualicum Beach. Ice sculptures created works of art from blocks of ice using power and hand tools. The Fire element came from the chili tasting. Three dollars bought a paper cup with a spoon and a tasting experience of up to 25 different chilis. I think I may have tried about 6 of them - all different, some spicy, some not. Lots of street entertainment filled the air with music. I took the photo of our son tying his wife's shoe in the street - such a sweet thing to do.

After the baby went to bed in the evening we played Mexican Train - from double zero to double 12s in spite of Tim's glances at the clock after every round. Sunday morning we went out for brunch. Adria wore the outfit I made for her at Eastertime. It's a little big, but she looks so adorable in pink (and any other color.)

The sun shone in the afternoon after they left for Victoria, so Tim and I went for a walk on the beach. Spring is definitely here to stay and we're hoping for summer's soon arrival.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, celebrating spring, Mother's Day, or just being alive. For more mosaics, please visit Mary at the Little Red House.


  1. My you did have a potpourri weekend...
    But it sounds fabulous!
    Great mosaic!

  2. Oh how I love where you live. I wish I could live there, really.
    What a wonderful weekend you and your family shared. Fire & Ice. Love it!! Hugs from Texas, Marsha

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    A lovely weekend.

  4. Fire and Ice? Interesting concept. Looks like you all had a fun weekend! Nancy

  5. Your grandaughter looks so sweet in the outfit.

  6. Looks and sounds like a wonderful weekend indeed ! I can definitely see you in your mom. :) Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  7. ...sweet baby!!! The ice sculptures would have been so "cool" to see! (I know I'm lame this Monday morning!)

  8. Looks like you had delightful weekend ... especially with a visit from the grandbaby! Happy Monday!

  9. So you had the perfect Mother's Day! (Well if the girls could've actually been present, that would have been more perfect, though how much bliss can a gal take?) Very sweet mosaic. Your little granddaughter is growing so fast, just like every other grand everywhere.

  10. I like that combination of 'fire and ice'. Sounds like a fun time!

    Sweet grand! It sounds like a Happy Mother's Day weekend all around.

  11. Isn't Mother's Day wonderful! My girls came with sugary treats and lots of chatter. It's fun having them all around laughing and chatting. I'm hoping for a grand baby someday soon from at least one of my four girls!

  12. Le week-end est passé très vite, mais nous nous sommes rattrapés ce soir : promenade avec les filles, petit détour par la fontaine, et sur le chemin du retour, quelle paix ! Mon mari et moi avons dit les choses qui nous rendaient heureux ce soir : des filles en pleine santé qui jouent et cour(r?)ent dans les champs, un village paisible où l'on entend bien le chant des oiseaux, une maison, des vêtements et suffisamment à manger... Nous avons tellement de chance !
    Je suis ravie de voir que tu as passé un bon week-end. Ta petite-fille est vraiment adorable et son ensemble lui va très bien !

  13. OH, et j'allais oublier : quelles sont ces douceurs qui ont l'air délicieuses, dans les feuilles de brick ? On dirait quelque chose comme des nems, mais en sucré...

  14. Sounds and looks like you had a very enjoyable weekend,

  15. So sweet to spend special days with family . . . makes whatever you do feel memorable, worthy of a mosaic collage. Love the shoe-tie picture!

  16. "Fire and Ice" sounds like a fun festival combinaton, Lorrie. Your grand daughter is so cute and her pink outfit is very pretty. I also love SKYPE sessions with my children!

  17. Dear Lorie,
    It sounds as if you had a lovely weekend. We are experiencing the most glorious weather over here. It was the warmest April for 400years !!
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I think that the Canadian ladies that we met in the queue at Westminster Abbey were from Vancouver Island. XXXX

  18. Glad you had a good week end...we were in Med Hat and got to see Melissa and that boys! They are so cute and I gave them lots of hugs and kisses :) Have a happy day, I think that it may be spring here in Alberta. I am getting anxious to get some plants,,,,and clean up the yard real good!!

  19. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! I love that cutie in the middle :)

  20. Glad your spring has finally arrived.
    Good to see babe in your pretty outfit.

  21. What a fabulous day. And I LOVE the picture of your son tying his wife's shoe!

    Blessings, Debbie

  22. So glad you had a nice Mother's Day! I got to spend time with my three children and one of the grands. So, it was special, too.

  23. Lorrie - I can only imagine the wonderful wardrobe Adria will have as she grows up. she looks sweet as can be in her delightful outfit. Glad to hear that you had such a lovely Mother's Day and that Spring has arrived!


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