Saturday, October 12, 2024

Blogtober 12: A Perfect Autumn Day


I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as 
autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. 
Nathanial Hawthorne

This morning was taken up with kitchen work in preparation for tomorrow's dinner. Two pumpkin pies sit waiting, a sweet potato dish and braised cabbage will finish cooking tomorrow. But, like Nathaniel Hawthorne, I didn't want to miss being outside on this most glorious day of autumn sunshine. 

On part of the trail around the bog not too far from my house, woodpeckers can be heard tap tap tapping. Today's tapping sounded closer than usual and I stood for some time trying to see the bird. I finally found him, but he was shy and skittish, not wanting to be photographed.

Trees glow in the light. Leaves are getting thinner on the trees and thicker on the ground as October winds on. 

A little rabbit sat motionless beside the path, hoping I wouldn't see him. How pretty are his ears with the light shining through. 

I made a quick trip to the grocery store this morning and as I drove home, a gust of wind blew through the trees and a shower of gold leaves swirled and drifted in front of me. It was a magical moment that I might have missed and am so glad I did not. 

Most of the colour is near to the ground in the woods, shaded by the tall conifers. Light and colour and pattern. I was surprised that more people were not out enjoying the day.

And here at home the light poured in the windows and warming the house so much that I went barefoot indoors for most of the day. What a gorgeous day it has been - one to remember when the grey days and rain arrive. 


  1. Dearest Lorrie,
    You are clever for enjoying the beauty of nature while you can.
    In your immediate area there is so much beauty to see.
    Loved the rabbit's big eyes, they look very sweet and friendly.
    Good luck with the dinner preparations for your Canadian Thanksgiving!

  2. So pretty in your corner at the moment. Your autumn colour is further ahead than ours. Lucky to see the woodpecker as well as hear him and the rabbit photo is gorgeous with his glowing ears.. enjoy your meal today. B x

  3. Gorgeous pictures ! Fall has a beautiful palette of colors...
    Love the little rabbit ! Have one as a pet :)
    Have a shinny week !
    Thanks for the visit !

  4. What beautiful colours in the trees. The rabbit looks very still!

  5. It was raining yesterday most of the day, but today the sun is shining and the temperature is an Autumn one 13 C. I can’t go out unfortunately I injure my foot yesterday!

  6. A beautiful October day!

  7. Beautiful October! Great pictures too!
    Love from Titti

  8. Lovely Autumn pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your dear ones.


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Blogtober 12: A Perfect Autumn Day

  I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as  autumnal  sunshine by staying in the house.  Nathanial Hawthorne This morning was taken ...