Friday, October 04, 2024

Blogtober Four: Fun Questions


Hawthorne berries grow in the bog where we walk. They are plentiful this year, food for the many birds who live there. 

Although this photo is an old one, I made pesto with the last of the basil and put five jars into the freezer. A friend of mine made a green bean dish with pesto that was delicious. Lightly cook the green beans, then chill them. Dress them with pesto enough to coat. Add halved cherries tomatoes. Easy and scrumptious. 

Gingko leaves are such a pretty shape, like elegant fans, and I love the way they yellow gradually. 

I read these fun questions at Sara's blog and thought you all might enjoy answering them as well - either here in the comments or on your own blog. There were eleven questions in all and I've eliminated a few of them.

Have you ever...

1. wanted to go back in time?

When I was younger I wanted to go back to a time when I could swish around in long dresses. I thought it would be fun to be a medieval princess, but I no longer think that and am very happy to be living now. And I would more likely have been a medieval peasant which wouldn't have been pleasurable at all.

2. thought about moving abroad?

I lived abroad for 21 years, in South America, and while I wouldn't trade that experience for anything, I love living in Canada now. 

3. been lost in the mall?

I might have been twisted around in some malls, but I look for the mall map and soon find my way.

4. wonder how your life would be different if you had studied more in school?

I studied pretty well in school, especially in the classes I enjoyed like Literature and French. Sciences were not so easy. I don't think my life would be any different if I had studied Physics or Chemistry with more effort. 

5. crashed your car?

There have been a couple of minor accidents, but no crashes, for which I am very thankful. 

6. skipped classes at school?

Oh dear. I have to confess that I did skip some classes in high school. And they were French classes. I loved French, but in Grade 12 I had a teacher that I didn't really like. He called my father one day and I was caught out. No more skipping!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your answers and knowing a bit more about you.
    Have a lovely weekend.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Blogtober Four: Fun Questions

  Hawthorne berries grow in the bog where we walk. They are plentiful this year, food for the many birds who live there.  Although this phot...