Friday, October 11, 2024

Blogtober Eleven: Here and There


It often seems to me that I get busy with doing household chores without making the time to do the things I'd really like to. This morning I set aside a couple of hours at my sewing machine. How enjoyable it was to stitch two pencil cases, a simple task, but I was pleased with the result. Then, I cut out fabric for a blouse I'm planning to make. And you know what? All the household chores that needed doing were completed, too. I think it's important to set aside time for doing whatever it is that fulfills you, like being creative. 

Cora arrived mid-morning. I read a stack of books to her - she chooses them and I oblige. She and her sister love being read to. With Iris beginning kindergarten this year, I'm realizing how short the time is to enjoy these two young girls. Once they go to school, things change. I very much enjoy times with the older grands, but they are busy with so many activities and we have to schedule times with them. 

After lunch we went for a walk around Swan Lake. It was longer than I'd remembered, but my little companion chattered happily all the way. Of course we had to stop for games of hide and seek, for looking in puddles, and for touching mossy rocks and trees.

Blackberry leaves so gorgeously coloured. There were a few ripe berries that I picked and she ate, saying they were sweet and just a little bit sour. 

She picked a bouquet of flowers, adding to it along the way, planning to give it to her mother. Then she threw it into the lake, regretted her action, and wanted me to get it back for her. Nope. Not going to happen. 

Our two-hour walk ended with one tired little girl and one tired Nana. But oh what fun we had! I snapped a few photos to share. Old Man's Beard (usnea) is especially photogenic. These golden days won't last forever and I'm soaking them in as much as possible. 


  1. Beautiful pencil cases. Your walk round swan lake made me chortle. I can imagine the scene with the flowers. I think grandchildren think we have magic properties and can reverse anything :) Have a lovely weekend with all your family. B x

  2. Enjoy those days Lorrie. Children grow up too soon. I had such lovely times with my grandchildren, but now they are in their thirties! Your blackberry leaves reminded me of the Flower Fairies illustration, do you know it , I wonder?

  3. Dearest Lorrie,
    Days are far too short for getting it all done...
    Love the blackberry leaf photo!

  4. What an absolute delight to go walking with a little girl. I love that she picked flowers, and love the drama of throwing them in the lake! The pencils cases are beautiful: you are a nifty sewist. So beautiful to see the Autumn leaves too.


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Blogtober Eleven: Here and There

  It often seems to me that I get busy with doing household chores without making the time to do the things I'd really like to. This mor...