Monday, October 07, 2024

Blogtober Seven: Apples and Sunshine


As L. M. Montgomery's Anne said, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!" What beautiful days we are having. Cool mornings when I wish for gloves when I walk, and sunny afternoons that have me shrugging off my sweater. 

We did some grandchild care over the weekend, but for the eldest, a teenager, this time. Her parents went out of town and she wanted to attend a youth event, so she spent the night with us. There was some driving around on Sunday, including taking her to a volunteer job where she works with miniature ponies. While waiting for her, I walked along the shore of Elk Lake. Golden leaves, blue water, all lovely.

Just off the path I spied this interesting bench made of bits of driftwood, thin saplings and a couple of old boards. Very creative, and a good place to sit and watch the light move across the water. I wonder who had the idea to make such a thing in that spot.

Roses continue to produce bloom after bloom although they don't last long. I cut a couple of Lichfield Angel flowers to float in water. The tall brandy snifter was given to me by my mother-in-law just after we were married. She brought it to me with a rose from her own garden floating in it. Isn't it interesting how objects can evoke memories of the past?

I spied a nice handful of strawberries in the garden. Tim and I shared them. Sweet and juicy. It's a toss up who will get to the berries first, me or the squirrels. 

Apples are the thing just now. So many wonderful things to make with them. Tonight for dinner I made Invisible Apple Cake. The invisible part is the cake; it's mostly apples held together by the barest hint of batter. Good with a white chocolate cream sauce, or perhaps yogurt or ice cream. These are the days for Apple Crisp, Apple Pie, Baked Apples, and apples cut into eighths on a plate and eaten out of hand. I like them sliced into a green salad, too. Or a kale salad. 

It's good that I enjoyed the sunshine today because tomorrow rain is in the forecast. We need the moisture as well as the sunshine. 

Thanks to all those who are reading along with Blogtober. I do appreciate the comments. 

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Blogtober Seven: Apples and Sunshine

  As L. M. Montgomery's Anne said, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!" What beautiful days we are ha...