Thursday, October 24, 2024

Blogtober Twenty-Four


Outside my window today the sun shone mightily. Light frost on neighbouring rooftops is a sign that the cold will soon descend and wreak havoc on the flowers still valiantly blooming. I must be more earnest with my garden clean-up, probably on Saturday. 

Our Persian friends came for dinner last night. They recently returned from Iran and brought me the very lovely table square as a gift. It is hand-printed of thick cotton. I love it, and I love the people who gave it to me. And it's in my favourite blues! They know me well.

Isn't it absolutely wonderful when you go shopping and find just the thing you need? I ventured out this afternoon, visiting store after store and not finding what I wanted. I'm becoming more picky about what I purchase, preferring to come home empty-handed rather than make do. As Marie-Anne Lecoeur says on her Youtube channel, "if it's not a wow, it's a non!"

When I went to The Bay, I was so very pleased to find these cognac-coloured leather boots. Exactly what I was looking for. A wow! And they were on sale. I found a leather belt to match and came home very happy. Boots like these are my footwear of choice in the winter months. I wore my last similar pair almost everyday when I was teaching. We don't have to worry about snow boots often, and I can wear thick socks with these. 

While I was out I received a text from my son saying that he had dropped off the latest Harvest Box from his daughter's school. It's kind of nice to get produce that I don't choose as it forces me to use what I've got. I'm not certain what I'll do with the Delicata Squash. The potatoes and leeks might go into a soup. He also left his son's soccer shirt for a bit of mending. Retired parents can be very useful, it seems. And we are happy to help. 

More sunshine this afternoon streamed in through the corner windows in the dining room to illuminate plants and flowers on the tea cart. 

I learned a new word today. Psithurism - the sound of wind whispering through trees, the soft rustling of leaves. I like it very much. The pronunciation is sibilant, just like the sounds it describes. There's been a bit of psithurism in our garden lately. 

An ordinary day. As Anne of Green Gables said, "I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."

I hope you've had a lovely day, ordinary or extraordinary.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful things. I love the colour of your tablemat and the colours of the vegetables in your box. It's always satisfying when you know you have purchased exactly what you imagined and wanted:)


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Blogtober Twenty-Four

  Outside my window today the sun shone mightily. Light frost on neighbouring rooftops is a sign that the cold will soon descend and wreak h...