Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Blogtober Twenty-Two: October Love


Recently, Brenda of It's a Beautiful Life posted a list of things she finds delightful. I took the idea from her to create a list of things I love about this month of October. 

As I begin, it's 3:30 pm. Already the light is fading as clouds move across the sun. It's been a lovely day, crisp and dry. I have my feet up and a mug of tea (Earl Grey) beside me. The chocolate chip oatmeal cookies I baked earlier still scent the air. A physio appointment this morning has me feeling a wee bit dragged out, and I've been pampering myself with a hot rice bag to my back and some time stitching. It's good to take a slow day. 

Here is a list of some of the things I love about October:

    * clouds white and grey flying across the sky

    * pulling out warm sweaters and cozy scarves

    * sipping hot tea, or occasionally hot chocolate

    * afternoon light slanting low into the dining room window

    * crisp leaves scuttling like crabs across roads and grass

    * foggy mornings burned clear by the sun

    * also, foggy mornings with mist swirling until noon

    * evenings with the curtains drawn and the lamps lit

    * brisk walks beside the sea with the waves rushing on the shore

    * leaves crimson and gold flying from trees in great swirls

    * late garden flowers - dahlias, zinnias, even roses

    * roasted vegetables - butternut squash, carrots, cabbage

    * slowly eating a bowl of hot soup

    * shiny horse chestnuts lying next to their spiny husks

    * rain lashing against the windows

    * the scent of woodsmoke rising from chimneys nearby

    * snuggling under the blankets while fresh air blows in the bedroom window

    * listening to geese honking as they fly over

    I know I'll think of a dozen more things once I publish this post. Darkness has now fallen, the kitchen is clean and an evening of reading and stitching lies ahead. October delight! Would you share some of your October loves in the comments?



  1. My own October loves include adding to my array of pumpkins and gourds bit by bit, burning a spicy candle, noticing how the leaves change a little each day, not being hot! And coffee, of course, but that's every season.

  2. Agree with your list ! For me, I prefer a coffee latte...not tea ;)
    Beautiful pictures !
    Have a cozy day !

  3. Marilyn5:09 AM

    As I was reading your list I was saying, yeah, I like that too. Thank you for your book list. Congrats on keeping the blogtober going. I knew you could do it.

  4. Love the collage and the list. Great idea!

  5. A lovely post, Lorrie! The mosaic is wonderful.
    Now I wish my English were more fluent: I'm dazzled by our view to the lake, the low but bright late autumn sun colours the last leaves of the trees and creates a wonderful contrast to clouds that are often dark, like now. There's a strong wind from north-east and even our narrow bay looks fabulous.
    Happy autumn days! xx

  6. I like your collage and also the list of Autumn lovelies. All my favourites are there💗.

  7. Scrunching through piles of crispy autumn leaves and kicking them in the air. Definitely a child still at heart!


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Blogtober Twenty-Two: October Love

  Recently, Brenda of It's a Beautiful Life posted a list of things she finds delightful. I took the idea from her to create a list of ...