Sunday, October 20, 2024

Blogtober Twenty: Sunday Walk in the Park


Another day of rain and grey skies here on the west coast. Drippy but still beautiful in a muted way. 

Two little girls spent part of the weekend with us, including overnight on Saturday. The routines of bedtime, breakfast, hair brushing and more are never quite forgotten. But they seem to take more energy than they used. With all the rain most of our days were spent indoors. These two have wonderful imaginations. For awhile they were fruit bats looking for fruit, then unicorns, then lions. They made bead necklaces and bracelets. I heard one say, "Mommy will be delighted to see this." They know how to use words well.

When the rain let up slightly this afternoon, we decided to don boots and raincoats and walk around the duck pond. I think the girls splashed in every puddle they could find, jumping up and down and making great sprays of muddy water. They needed dry leggings and socks when we returned home. But oh, the fun!

Wood ducks swam with mallards in the ponds, coming close to see if we perhaps had a few crumbs with us. There is plenty of natural food for the ducks here, and passersby are encouraged to not feed them, but people continue to do so. It is fun to see them all swarm to grain being tossed for them. 

Beautiful views of autumn trees and water reflections. 

It's quiet now at home with the girls returned to their parents. We've watched an episode of Vera and the weather on this episode seemed to be the same as ours - lots of rain. Very atmospheric. 

Settling in for a bit of unstitching as I hope to hem several new pairs of jeans and cords tomorrow. Some for me, some for him. It's the taking down of the current stitching that is the most tiresome. Good to get that job done ahead. Then perhaps some reading before turning in for the night. Will we hear rain trickling in the eavestrough again? I wonder. 

On a housekeeping note, I've decided to reply to comments on the blog, usually within a day or two. If you've asked a question, be sure to check back. 


  1. Such beautiful photos, especially the duck on the water.

    1. Those wood ducks are very photogenic.

  2. Looking so autumnal in your corner. I can imagine the fun had by you all with that puddle splashing. We will be doing a lot of that ourselves today in all the rain. I must rewatch some of the old Vera’s. B x

    1. Puddle splashing was a big hit! Even though we tried to stand back, we got splashed, too. Enjoy the day with your granddaughter.

  3. I’ve been watching news reports on all the rain there. The girls look adorable in their rain gear! Stay dry!

    1. A pale blue sky this morning. More rain later in the week, but not nearly as heavy.

  4. Dearest Lorrie,
    Little girls remain girls and having fun by splashing in puddles is part of it.
    Cute photos.
    I've only seen once a wood duck at our pond, they are so beautiful.
    When in an area with such perfect golden maple leaves one ought to roll roses out of them:

    1. Splashing in puddles is irresistible to all little ones (and some big ones, too).

  5. No questions -- love the rain splashing picture. I remember having the same thoughts about those daily routines whenever we were lucky enough to have any of our grands overnight (rather long ago now since our daughter and dils get to have that fun now; as the great-gs, we just get to enjoy the "party" parts).

    1. Grandchildren are delightful. I wonder if I will see my great-grandchildren?

  6. I'm sure the splashing in puddles was a highlight of the weekend. I like the granddaughters' boots and rain coats💗💗.

    1. They love splashing! Rainwear is essential!

  7. That sounds like a fun weekend despite the rain. The girls look adorable in their rain gear. We thoroughly enjoyed Vera.

    1. Yes, Vera is good for an evening of television. We usually watch shows only on the weekends, other than news.

  8. Marilyn M.2:02 PM

    Your autumn scenes are so beautiful. I love that you were able to enjoy your little ones out splashing in puddles and enjoying the day. I am "delighted".

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. Puddles are fun!

  9. Lovely photos! Your granddaughters are lucky to have such fun grandparents!

    1. They are so much fun to be around!


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