Thursday, October 10, 2024

Blogtober Ten: Stitching and Cake


The stitching I'm working on is a simple kit, but it's taking me a long time to finish it. I have another in a similar style and I will give them to the two youngest granddaughters when they are done. Perhaps I should set a deadline for myself - maybe Christmas. I've realized that I don't do as much handwork as I once did. I'd like to get back to it.

The days are filled with sunshine and the dahlias keep blooming. Things are a bit of a tangle in the garden and it's time to get serious about the fall clean-up. It's hard to tear things apart when everything is still green and lush. I have had more success with leaving dahlia tubers in the ground and mulching them well than pulling them and storing them. I like to mark them with a stick once the first frost arrives and I cut them way back, so I know where they will grow come spring. 
I bought spring bulbs and hope to plant them early next week. I like to do it after our Canadian Thanksgiving. We'll be having the family over for turkey with all the trimmings. Preparations have begun - today I cut the bread for the dressing and shopped for potatoes, sweet potatoes, and more. The cranberry sauce is made. Working ahead alleviates a lot of last minute panic. 

Friends came for coffee this evening. I made my standard Apple Cake from a recipe given me by another friend many years ago. I'm not a big fan of ice cream and prefer my cake with whipped cream. There's not much left of the cake now that everyone has gone home. 

Tomorrow will be a day with the youngest granddaughter. I wonder what we will get up to. It's always an adventure. 


  1. Hello Lorrie, your flowers and baking look excellent, as always, and the style of your stitching kit is delightful.
    Wishing you a happy day with your granddaughter and a beautiful weekend!

  2. Setting a deadline with a project is definitely the way to go. I usually finish in time that way. I look forward to seeing the finished item. It must be very busy at home with all the preparations for thanksgiving with all your family.
    My dahlias are getting very floppy but still lots of flowers like you so it’s hard to cut them back yet. Have a lovely day. B x

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    The cake looks good, I'm a big fan of any cake with fruit in the batter or layered, apples, blueberries, apricots. Cakes with fruits tend to not dry out and have a longer shelf life, plus the added fiber is a plus. I often use whipped cream, creme fraiche or yoghurt as a topping, I use stevia as a sweetener as it cuts down on the overall sugar contest of the dessert.


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Blogtober Ten: Stitching and Cake

  The stitching I'm working on is a simple kit, but it's taking me a long time to finish it. I have another in a similar style and I...