Sunday, October 10, 2021

October Daily 10: And there was feasting and happiness


I set the table the night before, and then added a couple of places in the morning when our youngest called to say that the little girls were much better and the whole family would come. Hooray! And so we all gathered around the table, so thankful that we could be together.

After dinner the five grands played on the living room floor and my heart swelled to see them all engaged - the older ones interacting so sweetly with the younger. 

I caught this little moment when Cora put her hand into Felix's. 

There was turkey and all the trimmings, and for dessert, pumpkin pie (brought by our daughter), traditional apple pie, and Apple Frangipane tart. Almost everyone had a little bit of each one, with whipped cream. 

We give thanks to God

 for family and love,

for jobs that we enjoy,

for delicious food and warm clothes to wear,

for friends to share laughter and tears,

for our country of Canada

where we enjoy freedom to worship and celebrate.

Give us hearts that are open to sharing and listening,

Help us to encourage others,

to build up and not tear down.

Give us wisdom to walk each day with purpose and intention.

Now to relax. Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Such sweet pictures. You set a very lovely table!!

  2. Lovely to have all your family together was such a special day. Moments to treasure. B x

  3. Such a happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving today dear Lorrie - to you and your beautiful family. Seeing all the preparations was lovely - you certainly did a lot of work! Knowing everyone was able to come yesterday for such a magical get together and scrumptious meal, made it worthwhile I know. The children are just adorable, and growing fast - great photos of memorable moments.
    Hugs - Mary

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Such a beautiful table and a lovely family.

  6. Beautiful table for a beautiful family gathering
    Happy Thanksgiving

  7. Such a great holiday established for thanksgiving. What a joy to have all your grands gathered around enjoying each other. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  8. I am pleased that you all had a happy thanksgiving and that the rest of the family could also join in with you. The table looks really lovely and your grandchildren a delight.

  9. Joy!



    🍁 🏈 🍁

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie!

    Glad you were able to celebrate with your family!

  11. The grandchildren are so sweet. And the table looks inviting.

  12. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Your grandchildren are beautiful. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  13. Happy Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family! Your table is beautiful and the children are even more so. I’d be having a little of each of those desserts, too.

  14. you have set a beautiful table. It is nice to see your grandchildren together. I am impatient to see my future grandchild and spend Xmas with our family.
    Thanksgiving is a nice time, I hope we had one !

  15. Oh those amazing grandchi1dren. Beautifu1. Happy Thanksgiving! thankfu1 for b1og pa1s

  16. It is so easy to feel the joy of the day in your words and in your photos! What a thrill to be together this year! Cora holding Felix's hand is the sweetest thing. No wonder your heart was full!

  17. Such lovely photos, the children are so sweet and I know it made your holiday to have them all with you. Many blessings to you and your family!


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