Saturday, October 16, 2021

October Daily 16: Saturday Doings and Seedy Crackers


I woke up a bit late this morning and Tim had already come up with a plan. We walked along the water in Sidney, then enjoyed a breakfast sandwich and tea/coffee at Starbucks. It was windy and rainy, but not cold. Something a bit different. 

I read this lighthearted mystery this week and loved it. It looks like there will be more in the series - hooray! 

It's been a rough few weeks with the two little girls who have had long-lasting colds and the younger one is teething. We invited the family over for a casual supper this evening. Iris loves watching the little videos from the Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar (yes, for almost a year!). Today I set her up with my computer and showed her how to choose the videos by touching the circles. When she finished one, she sat back and said, "That was pretty fun." 

A number of people asked for the recipe for the seedy crackers in yesterday's post, so here it is. I believe the original recipe is from an Oh, She Glows book or post, but I've adapted it considerably. 

Seedy Crackers 

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (I use toasted and salted)

1/2 cup sunflower seeds (ditto)

1/2 cup raw sesame seeds

1/2 cup chia seeds

1/2 cup hemp hearts (optional)

2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast

1 teaspoon Xanthum Gum (this helps hold the crackers together a bit more. It can be left out, but the crackers are more fragile and you might want to make them thicker.)

2 Tablespoons soy sauce plus enough water to measure 1 cup

seasonings to taste - you can add garlic powder (about 1 teaspoon), or fresh garlic, minced, or other herbs

Stir everything together in a bowl and let sit for about 5 minutes. Stir thoroughly again, then spread on parchment lined baking sheets.

You'll notice that I spread mine on two baking sheets - I found it easier for turning them later. Use an offset spatula to press and spread out the mixture evenly. They should be about 1/8-inch thick. 

Bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes. I then remove them from the oven and cut them into quarters and carefully flip them over. Bake another 10 - 15 minutes, until almost crisp. Cut them into squares and return them to the oven for 5--10 minutes until crisp through. Cool and store in a tightly sealed container. 

I use a bench scraper for cutting them and that works well. They are fragile, and there will be some breakage, but the seed crumbs are yummy on a salad or in soup. 

If you use gluten free soy sauce, you'll have a gluten free cracker for your friends that can't tolerate gluten. 


  1. Love the look of concentration on your granddaughter’s face. Will check out that author. I love a new mystery. B x

  2. It looks like your granddaughter is really enjoying the videos!

  3. Little Iris is adorable <3 The crackers look yummy and healthy. I was raking for 2 hours today, sun but moderate wind. Nothing beats a good detective story on cosy evenings!

  4. That is a lovely photograph of Iris, I just love her concentration :)

    Yum! Those seedy crackers look good, many thanks for the recipe.

    All the best Jan

  5. I was just about to ask you for the recipe and here you have it already. Thanks, Lorrie! What fun to think of Iris truly finding pleasure in her explorations of Jacquie's advent calendar and to recognize it was fun. She's growing up so fast.

  6. Ahh cute little Iris. I'll have to check out that murder series.

  7. It always amazes me how these young children are so quick to use a computer. She is so cute sitting there, engrossed in her videos.

  8. I'll look for that Ashley Weaver book. When friends mention books that they enjoyed I often request them from the library and discover new authors that otherwise I wouldn't know of.

  9. Still having commenting problems - but trying again!

    Lovely photo of sweet Iris, you are a fabulous grandmother!
    I wish so much I lived near the shore again - I really have missed the ocean during the pandemic and must get there for a beach walk as soon as my painful leg issue is resolved, grrrrr!
    Hope all the little girls are healthy again soon.

  10. Your sweet granddaughter looks so involved. Children seem to just absorb anything new and different to them. Hope they are all on the mend and feeling better. Thanks for the recipe, it looks yummy and interesting.

  11. Those crackers look so good! And your granddaughter is darling in the buffalo check dress! My youngest granddaughter (1st grade) has hair just her color!

  12. I saw a social media post that said there were only 10 (!) Saturdays left until Christmas. So Advent will be here again before we know it! Kids pick up technology so quickly!


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