Thursday, October 21, 2021

October Daily 21: October Morning


A very quick post today. After teaching French and Drama today, I had a routine eye exam this afternoon, during which my eyes were dilated. My vision is still very blurry. Below is a lovely October poem that I want to share with you. 

October Morning

It is the exquisite and early hour

The sudden sunrise reddens the sky.

Through the autumn mist

The garden leaves fall.

Their fall is slow. We can follow them

with our eyes and recognize

The oak by its leaf of copper,

The maple by its leaf of blood.

The last ones, the most rusty

Fall from the bare branches,

But it's not winter yet.

A fair light sprinkles down on 

Nature and in the whole rosy sky,

You'd think it was snowing gold.

François Coppée


  1. Beautiful pictures! The colours are so nice, so is the poem. Have a nice day.

  2. Lovely photos, Lorrie, and indeed a beautiful poem. One recognizes very well the images painted in those verses.
    A cloudy autumn day is a good one for dilated eyes. Once it happened to me on a brilliant winter day (snow everywhere). I almost didn't find my way from the hospital to the bus station. :)
    Have a happy weekend!

  3. What perfect Autumn pictures, bringing memories of lovely Autumn scenes one has encountered. The poem is lovely, so evocative.

  4. Such beauty in your photos, and also in the poem.

  5. Gorgeous photos and quote.

    Oh my, these days it takes 'forever' for my eyes to 'recover' after dilation!!!!! More things, to do with old age, I am sure. -smile-


  6. Oh, Lorrie. I do love this poem and your photos are beautiful. As a teacher, you may appreciate a story of mine. When I was in high school I was not fond of a unit in history we were studying. So, I got out my literature book and began reading something far more interesting. My history teacher never said a word, he simply picked up my literature book and told me that I would have to ask my English teacher for it. That was the last time I ever did that. I do love beautiful words, always have. And I so
    admire those who can write them beautifully. Thanks for sharing. Of course, it is now in my book of special things.

  7. I love those leafy paths. The crunch of the leaves makes me happy.

  8. Thank you, Lorrie -- you have reminded me of times I have also enjoyed "the exquisite and early hour" at this season of the year, and prompt me to be intentional about getting out more, and earlier.


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