Friday, October 08, 2021

October Daily 8: Thanksgiving Preparations


Harvest celebrations have been marked for many many years. First Nations peoples, European villages and towns, and cultures around the world have celebrated the harvest for many years, giving thanks for good yields and food that would see them through the winter. 

The first Thanksgiving celebrated by Europeans in Canada was initiated by the English explorer Sir Martin Frobisher, in 1578, with a meal of salt beef, biscuit, and mushy peas, in gratitude for having safely arrived at what is now Nunavut. 

We'll be enjoying turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and all the trimmings, and giving thanks for God's goodness throughout this past year. 

The family is gathering here - 13 of us, we hope, as one family may not be able to make it because of colds and congestion in the children. 

Today I polished the brass and ironed the linen napkins. As I worked, I thought of Riobamba, Ecuador, where we bought the brass many years ago, and of the linen napkins that once belonged to my mother-in-law and are well over 65 years old. She didn't use them often, but I do, so I doubt they will be in any condition to pass down to my children, should they want them. 

Pie crusts will soon be chilling in the refrigerator, and I made a couple dozen pumpkin-shaped dinner rolls. They are in the freezer and will be warmed before serving them. 

Although the holiday is Monday, we almost always have our dinner on Sunday and Monday is delicious and easy leftovers. 

I love Thanksgiving as it's a wonderful and relaxed time to get together with family. From my experience living the USA for a short time, and living with American ex-pats in Ecuador, I think the US Thanksgiving is imbued with greater significance, more like our Christmas, it seems. Canadians celebrate more during the Christmas season. 

Sir Martin Frobisher's chaplain preached a sermon back in 1578, "exhorting them especially to be thankefull to God for theyre strange and miraculous deliverance in those so dangerous places (sic)."

Certainly, we have all been through much these past 18 months, and can give thanks for so much abundance and protection. 

Tomorrow will be more cooking and a bit of cleaning before everyone arrives on Sunday. 

What's your favourite holiday / feast day?


  1. Love those pumpkin shaped dinner rolls! A very happy Thanksgiving gathering to you and yours!

  2. Lorrie - it would be hard for me to choose between US Thanksgiving and Christmas in terms of favorite holidays. For us, Thanksgiving has been about extended family and neighbors - special in that way - whereas Christmas is a more intimate celebration with immediate family. I love them both! Enjoy your thanksgiving and Thanksgiving with your family - we have much to give thanks for!

    1. What a great explanation of your love of the two holidays. I love them both, too. Yes, we have such abundance to be thankful for.

  3. I love how we have learned to prepare a little at a time instead of leaving everything to the last day! Your brass candle holders are so pretty! So nice to have the memory of Ecuador. And your pumpkin rolls will add a special touch to the meal and family thanksgiving around fry table. Thanksgiving is becoming more meaningful to me as I get older.

    1. Preparing ahead is essential! Happy Thanksgiving, Anneliese!

  4. I love how we have learned to prepare a little at a time instead of leaving everything to the last day! Your brass candle holders are so pretty! So nice to have the memory of Ecuador. And your pumpkin rolls will add a special touch to the meal and family thanksgiving around fry table. Thanksgiving is becoming more meaningful to me as I get older.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I’m praying you all can gather, and that the wee ones with colds will be better!

    I love our Thanksgiving for the meal and gathering with Thankfulness as the focus, but my real favorite holiday is Christmas!

  6. lovely to have to opportunity once again to have a big family get together. Those rolls look delicious and I’m sure you will have a wonderful time. For us it’s definitely Christmas as thanksgiving has never featured in our calendar. Any family meal though is a chance for celebration. Enjoy. B x

    1. Getting together with family is the best part of any holiday!

  7. I wish we had a similar festival here. Harvest services are celebrated in most churches, but homes arent really decorated.

    1. I do like having Thanksgiving, and I'm so glad it's in October.

  8. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love everything about Thanksgiving except the turkey. I usually roast a chicken instead.

    1. Chicken is a good option. I love turkey, though, and I love making a turkey pot pie afterwards.

  9. Have a great thanksgiving. Enjoy time with family. It is so precious these days.

    1. Yes, it is. Very different from last year. I'm so glad we're all vaccinated (other than the little ones) and can gather together.

  10. GONE AGAIN... my comment.... -sigh-sigh-sigh-

    so I have to quickly say, what I wanted to be a more lyrical comment....... Love the rolls.....Your Thanksgiving is a better time, than ours.....Plus, ours is way too close to Christmas.......Some say they like Thanksgiving best, because of just gathering and joy, without worry of present getting.....🍁 🎃 🍁

  11. Have a lovely Thanksgiving - it sounds as if it will be a very special and delicious ocassion for you all. The top spot here is definitely Christmas with all of the family.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. Being together with family is definitely the best part of a holiday.

  12. Keeping it short... A blessed Thanksgiving to you and family! You made me long for Thanksgiving (even though it's not my turn). Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday...all the good food and family without the drama and busyness. Love your photos. Keeping fingers crossed...

    1. Thank you, Vee. I'm so looking forward to everyone gathering around the table. Owen went to his parents' meal today, while Ashley stayed home with the little sick ones, and unless everyone improves dramatically overnight Ashley will come with Cora who is nursing, while Owen stays home with Iris.

  13. Good morning, Lorrie. Wishing you and your family a beautiful Thanksgiving. I know you will so enjoy having everyone together in your home. Blessings to all.

    1. Thank you, Sandra. I am really looking forward to it.

  14. We get two Thanksgivings. We are here in Powell River and will celebrate a simple one at the float cabin. In November we will celebrate a U.S. one in our RV in Arizona. It isn't a huge holiday for us with no family nearby. Enjoy yours. It's nice to bring out items that bring good memories with them. - Margy

    1. Lucky you! Enjoy both of them.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving!
    It is a wonderful holiday (favorite) any time of the year when family can gather.

    1. Thank you, Maywyn - getting together with family is the best part of any holiday.

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and yours.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. Your preparations are lovely and I can hear the happiness in your post for this joyous time of gathering together. We're hoping that for once all of our children will be together in November for Thanksgiving as it will also be a late celebration of our 60th wedding anniversary. So different from last year. All I want is to see them all laughing and talking together.

    1. Thank you, Dewena. Yes, this is very different from last year, and I am so very thankful. Seeing my children and grandchildren talking and laughing together is what I love most, too. I hope you'll be able to have a great belated 60th wedding anniversary celebration.

  18. Hi Lorrie,

    I love this post -- like Vee, it makes me long for Thanksgiving here. Once again, our family has much to be thankful for, but I'm not sure what our gathering arrangements will be. As far as favorite holidays/feast days, Thanksgiving and Christmas are my very favorites (and Hal's too). The photo of your hydrangeas is lovely, and so are your brass candlesticks and linen napkins. I hope you and all your loved ones have a special Thanksgiving day together, Lorrie, and blessings to you all!!


    1. Thank you, Denise. I am looking forward to us all being together tomorrow.

  19. I love those dinner rolls! Happy thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Jenn. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  20. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you! And to you and yours - a Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Lorrie. Your dinner rolls are just beautiful and I am sure you will have a beautiful celebration. As we do not have Thanksgiving in Australia, I always wanted to be there and loved it in 2019 when we last went to Canada to enjoy the celebration with our daughter and her family. Christmas is definitely my favourite holiday and feast day.

  22. I love Christmas Best.
    I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family!
    Your breads are fabulous !

  23. The pupmkin-shaped dinner rolls are so cute!

    We usually do our Thanksgiving dinner either on Saturday or Sunday, so we can just take it easy on Thanksgiving Monday.

    Christmas is my favourite holiday and I like to celebrate it for the entire month of December!

  24. Yes, we have all been through much, and yes, we have so much to be thankful for! Your pumpkin rolls are darling, and I'll bet that the children loved them too. My favorite holiday? Thanksgiving. It is good and right for us to be thankful for the gifs God has given. Thanksgiving is a comparatively simple holiday. No huge amount of prep or expense. Simply a time to gather and feast and be grateful.


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