Sunday, October 17, 2021

October Daily 17: A Grey Sunday Outing along the Songhees Walkway


"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." John Burroughs

Today's walk along the Inner Harbour of downtown Victoria, took us along the Songhees Walkway. The path took us in and out of small bays, along raised boardwalks, past Garry Oak preserves, all set against an urban landscape of towering apartment buildings, marinas, and restaurants. 

On a day like today, with rain-washed luminous grey skies, it was a busy place. There is much to see along the way. Benches and the gazebo above provide resting spots, if needed. 

With the leaves falling, falling, falling, the wasp nest is exposed. Will someone come to remove it? 

A painted mural near the West Bay Marina highlights the boats of the past, from sail to steamship. 

We watched a float plane taxi out of the harbour, picking up speed when allowed, and up it lifted, effortless, for a short hop to Vancouver. 

A row of pilings points to the Coast Guard ship at dock across the water. 

Big boats, little boats, harbour ferries - it's a busy place, even on a quiet Sunday afternoon. 

We stood and watched a squabble between a heron and a gull. Round and round they circled, chasing each other, the heron's neck outstretched and the gull flapping wildly. I don't know what the issue was, but after a bit they flew off in separate directions. 

The rain held off during our walk and how lovely it was to return home to a cup of tea and a piece of apple cake, enjoyed in a warm home with the best of company. 

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon?


  1. Town coastal walkways are so different. Like the idea of a boardwalk although I wouldn’t like too many people. I prefer quiet walks. The perfect thing at the return of a walk. I will check out that recipe as I have so many apples. B x

  2. Sounds like a lovely day!

  3. What a lovely place to walk. We cleaned our house Sunday.

  4. Interesting Sunday walk - I always love watching float planes take off and land!
    I admit to a lazy Sunday following a busy Saturday with visiting friends. . . . .and picking up the house/tidying the garden etc. on the prior days!
    We now have perfect weather for this week ahead - a cold front last night brought the temps down, brilliant sunshine now and at last a comfy high of 72F today. October you can stay forever!!!
    I feel like baking an apple cake too.

  5. A wonderful walk. I love the John Burroughs quote - add crafting and it would be just right.

  6. Fascinating walkways. I watched Bald Eagles which is always a thrill.

  7. The raised walkway is certainly photogenic with its grays and whites among the autumn colors! I'm glad the heron and the gull didn't push their disagreement any further. Your day was too perfect to be marred by war between the species. Our Sunday was spent resting up after an exciting weekend of visits from our youngest and his family. When I only see my granddaughters every few months it was wonderful to have them head our way during fall break.

  8. What a lovely walk you had! I enjoyed "going" with you. We once came into Victoria harbour by ferry from Port Angeles. It was our first trip to Vancouver Island, but thankfully not the last. The wasp nest is fantastic - but I wouldn't want it in my garden. Have a lovely week.

  9. OOPS. My comment disappeared. I'll try again.
    That looks like a lovely Sunday walk. We celebrated our youngest son's birthday with cake and ice cream.

  10. What a lovely walk! I can't wait to visit there one day, it's on my "list" of places to go!! Thank you for sharing the beauty with us today. And yes, the perfect ending to a beautiful day is coming home to cozy and your apple cake! xo Lidy

  11. Looks like a great walk. A lovely homecoming tea and sweet, too!

  12. You had a lovely Sundaywalk!
    I am going to have a look at the apple cake recipe


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