Monday, October 25, 2021

October Daily 25: October's Party


October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came - 
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

The Chestnuts came in yellow,
The Oaks in crimson dressed;
The lovely Misses Maple
In scarlet looked their best;
All balanced to their partners;
And gaily fluttered by,
The sight was like a rainbow,
New fallen from the sky.

Then, in the rustic hollow,
At hide and seek they played,
The party closed at sundown,
And everybody stayed.
Professor Wind played louder;
They flew along the ground,
And then the party ended,
In jolly "hands around".

George Cooper

This fun poem came to mind the other day as I watched the wind gusts tear leaves from the trees and swirl them about the street. The storm is now passed and all is calm - there were power outages and wind damage, but not here, and I am thankful. Ferries were cancelled for the day and there is a huge back up. 

Regarding the container ship mentioned in my last post - the fire is mostly out and now the operation is moving to one of salvage. The ship will likely go to either Vancouver or Nanaimo for offloading the remaining containers. Thankfully no lives were lost. The 40 containers floating about the ocean have been located and salvage operations will begin as the seas calm. 

The photos above were not taken this year - today was wet and oh, so dark. 


  1. Your storms sounded very scary from what I saw and read on the news. We had a memorial for my late father in law and so many were flying or driving back home on Sunday. I worried most about my brother in law who lives in Vancouver. He made it alright. I'm still hoping to visit with my airline voucher, I just need to check to see if it's still valid.

    Please share those Persian recipes, Lorrie! I'd like to see how things are authentically prepared as opposed to a traveller or cookbook author who has researched the culture. And your feelings on that?

    Jane x

  2. I enjoyed the poem. That storm sounded very scary! Glad you were spared it's wrath.

    1. The storm wasn't too bad here, but much worse further north on the Island and on the mainland coast. Lots of power outages.

  3. Crazy weather! The container ship issue sounds scary. I can't imagine the cargo rolling around on the waves. Hope that they are soon captured.

    1. They are still out floating in the Pacific. They are hoping to salvage them before they run aground.

  4. This is one of my favorite poems!

    I know someone who lives on the US side in the San Juan's and she said they had some blustery weather but that's all. She was thankful.

    1. The storm was more fierce farther north on the Island and coast.

  5. So happy the storm did not really mess with you.

    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ

  6. Love that poem and how you used it, with photos.

    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ

  7. Good news the containers will be salvaged!!!!!

    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ

  8. -grinnn- I am solving this "comment going puuuffffffff" thing!!!

    Aren't I smart????? LOL

    πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ πŸ‘» 🍬 πŸŽƒ

  9. today it was also dark and cold. I stayed inside and did some cooking.

    1. Cooking is a good occupation on a cold, dark day.

  10. Hello, Lorrie. So glad you and your home were spared and I know you are so thankful.
    I enjoyed the poem - it is a favorite!

  11. Lovely photos and lovely poem. Glad the salvage operation is under way. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara. They are trying to salvage those containers before they run aground and spill whatever is in them.

  12. So glad to hear that no one got hurt on the container ship fire.

    It's been rainy and gloomy here for the last couple of days, but we were spared the high winds.

    1. The closer it gets to November and December, the gloomier the weather is here.

  13. I am thankful that no lives were lost during that ship fire.I love all those colorful leaves.

    1. Our coast guard was quick to respond. This autumn is very colourful - someone suggested it's because we had such intense heat over the summer.

  14. Thank God, no lives were lost in the ship fire.

    Beautiful photos and poem, Lorrie.


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