Friday, October 15, 2021

October Daily 15: Cozy Pursuits


Soft rain has fallen intermittently throughout all the grey day. A good day for soup. This morning I halved and seeded a butternut squash, cut a peeled onion in two, drizzled olive oil over them, wrapped a goodly amount of garlic cloves in foil, and roasted the lot for just under an hour. 

This afternoon I separated the squash from its peel, squished the roasted garlic from its papers, added the onions and a bit of water, then simmered for 30 minutes before adding a can of coconut milk and blitzing the mixture. Stir in salt and pepper and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Serve with toasted pumpkin seeds and a slice of sourdough bread. 

Seedy crackers, grain-free, are from a recipe I got from my youngest daughter. I adapted it a little and like to keep a jar full of them to eat with soup, cheese, or a spread of peanut butter. I bought something similar at the store and looked at the ingredients and thought I could make them myself for a much more reasonable cost. We're quite happy with this version. 

I spent the morning in my sewing room, finishing up a couple of projects that have been languishing for far too long. One of them was a shirt for myself that needed only buttonholes and buttons. The card of buttons is vintage and I'm not quite sure where they came from, but it was time to use them. They are mother-of-pearl, and quite uneven. It felt good to get those projects finished!

A couple of weeks ago I stitched up two little owls for Iris and Cora. They have pockets and for Iris I put in a few stickers. They are soft and squishy, and made from old wool sweaters that I felted in the washing machine and scraps of lace. 

Cozy pursuits for a rainy day. What do you like to do when it rains?


  1. You've reminded me that I need to make a batch of my favorite seedy crackers - as you mention, they are so good to have around for accompaniment to lots of other foods. And butternut soup! I harvested only three small butternut squashes this fall, but that is better than nothing, and I might make soup with them this week when I have family visiting. I love it when you share your cooking exploits.

  2. Your soup looks and sounds delicious. So do the seedy crackers.

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Please will you share the recipe for the seedy crackers?


  4. your soup sounds delicious. I am tempted to do the same with zucchini instead. Haven’t done much sewing lately but I have dried lavender waiting to be made into lavender bags. Love the vintage buttons and I bet the girls will love their cute owls. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  5. Your soup sounds yummy and I love those owls.

  6. I am most uncreative. I've lost my mojo for sketching. These are great projects! I am so impressed!
    We're off in the pouring rain for flu shots. Ironic!

  7. Super adorable owls! They are a nice gift idea. I can see one as a clicker holder.:)
    Moving furniture for the winter arrangement. Things look good as long as I don't look behind me.

  8. I love those owls...they are darling! I like to bake and read....well, read, eating what I baked! heehee! Hugs!

  9. Delightful occupations!!!

    Will publish quickly, before this goes 'poof'


  10. Your cozy pursuits are so perfect for an autumn day. Thanks for the tips about how you made your soup and the seed crackers. Loved how you used old sweaters, felted in hot water, to make those sweet owls for your little ones. Love your mother-of-pearl vintage set of buttons.

    I'm off for a little afternoon visit with my mom and sister. Happy Saturday!

  11. I'd love the recipe for those seedy crackers. I often give Paul a selection of healthy, fiber rich, seed crackers for Christmas and I'd love to make him these this year! Please and thank you!

  12. The owls are cute. Do you remember The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark? It's about overcoming fears. I like making soup on rainy days.

  13. That soup look delicious. I have just picked the quinces from the bush in our garden - a sort of annual ritual. All our friends will want some of the jelly that follows. I ought to do more like this, but seldom find the time - I envy your creativity and craft.

  14. Your butternut soup looks delicious! I often make it with apple or pear juice but I'll try coconut juice next time. The owls are very creative and adorable. I'm sure iris will love them!

  15. I bought freshly harvested butternut squash from the pumpkin farm last weekend. I have my usual recipe for soup but think I'll give yours a try - it sounds SO delicious! Love the look of the healthy seeded crackers.
    Glad your shirt is completed with lovely vintage buttons - so hard to find them these days! The owls are adorable - you are so creative.
    Stay well and safe.
    Hugs - Mary

  16. The owl stuffies are adorable!


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