Thursday, October 14, 2021

October Daily 14: Autumn Days


"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." 
Anne of Green Gables

These are the cozy days. Temperatures drop and I wrap myself in a warm sweater. At night cold air drifts in through the open window and I pull the covers close around my neck. It's the season for copious cups of tea. 

Novels such as Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are so full of the stormy weather that makes for good autumn reading. Sometimes I dip in and out of the stories where descriptions of gloomy woods, sighing winds, and bleak hilltops are contrasted with immense fires and the glow of candlelight. On a stormy afternoon, I have, on occasion, bundled up like a brave heroine and gone for a walk in the wind and rain, feeling very Bronte-ish. 

Other days are tinged with gold and remind me of September by Rosamunde Pilcher. L. M. Montgomery's novels of Anne often feature good seasonal descriptions - I think of the scene in Anne of the Island where she is at college and brings up a plate of crisp apples to eat by the fire. Such homey scenes are so satisfying to read.

When I studied for my French degree, I read a story by Colette - Un Soir (One Night) - describing a fireside scene into which two travelers are welcomed. It's full of sensory details that draw the reader into the scene.

"Une vieille eau-de-vie de prune, le café encore brûlant nous firent presque intimes. La lumière électrique, rare dans la région, l'odeur du tabac blond, des fruits, du bois résineux qui flambait, je goûtais ces charmes familiers comme les dons d'une île nouvelle. "

"An aged plum brandy, the coffee scorching hot, made us almost intimate friends. The electric light, rare in the region, the scent of blond tobacco, of fruit, of burning resinous wood - I tasted these familiar delights as if they were gifts of a new island."

"Is this not a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love - that makes life and nature harmonise." George Eliot

Brenda, from Life is Beautiful wrote a post about autumn reading that had me nodding my head in agreement. I'm sure you will nod, too, when you read her lovely words.

I also enjoy books that feature musings and meandering essays on the seasons - I think of Gladys Taber and her Stillmeadow books. 

An "atmospheric river" is headed our way this weekend. In regular language, that's a lot of rain. We'll be engaged in cozy indoor pursuits - books and sewing, baking and puttering, and perhaps a mug of hot chocolate as accompaniment. There will likely be a walk or two in between the raindrops, or among them.

I very much enjoyed my day of teaching and hope for more over the next months. It's always nice to know that I can say no if I have other plans. 

Do you have books you enjoy reading seasonally? 


  1. Such a lovely post. ‘Atmospheric River’ made me smile. We are still enjoying an Indian summer but I’m sure that river will head our way soon. Love Rosamunde Pilcher novels. Don’t think I’ve read September , will have to check that one out. Have a lovely weekend. B x

  2. Glorious images and really lovely sentiments both of which were a joy to see and read. Our autumn palette has hardly begun as yet. Yes, I too am so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers.

  3. THERE my comment went again.


    I'm afraid I am going to have to simply say Hi. Which will let you know, I read and enjoyed your posts.


  4. It is getting wayyyy too frustrating, to compose a nice comment, and have it disappear.



  5. An Octobery post, much appreciated
    Being outdoors on a blustery day, that experience can feel more envigorating or as much as a gorgeous sunny day walk. The chilly air is thinking texture.

  6. I am just blown away by your beautiful autumn pictures! We are having a strange autumn; because of the very dry August and September trees have been loosing leaves before changing colour, which is very disappointing. But than - most of the year has been strange weatherwise.

  7. Your photos say it all! I'm afraid I may be missing the best of the season. I'm so glad we live in a place with seasons!

  8. Such g1orious photos!! WOW.
    No, but I take my knitting cues from seasona1 co1ors!

  9. Oh the beauties of fall! Unfortunately , for us they are now but a memory in our minds or in photos.

  10. Hello, Lorrie. Your area is so beautiful. We are to finally have rain here tomorrow. I can't wait to see it, I may even go out and dance in it. The books you mentioned are lovely and most enjoyable, I am especially fond of Gladys Tabor's writing. However,I have not read "September," or the story by Colette. But, I have placed them on my list.
    Your photos are breathtaking, Lorrie. Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Gladys Taber's books are a favorite seasonal read. Anne of Green Gables is just right for a seasonal read. An Old Fashion Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott is another favorite. We never have read September, must put it om a TBR. Emjoy your books.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  12. These are beautiful photos! Our Autumn has been brightly coloured!

  13. Fall is my favorite season - I love the colors, the cooler temperatures and I would enjoy a storm if we had them here at this time. Usually they come later. I would very much welcome a decent atmospheric river to end the wildfire season and give us some much needed water. Your photos are beautiful. I don't read "seasonal reads", but I do enjoy books that describe moody weather.

  14. I love fall. Your photos are so beautiful and dream like, Lorrie. It is often a dry and sunny season here during this time of year, but we could use an "atmospheric river". The high mountains received snow and they look so pretty when seen from a distance.

  15. I've always loved that Anne of Green Gables quote - October being my favorite month too, even though I'll turn a year older lol!
    Your beautiful landscape photos would make wonderful paintings Lorrie.
    Mary -

    P.S. I too am having trouble with comments disappearing as I write them on your blog - Blogger is fooling with us again!


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