Wednesday, October 27, 2021

October Daily 27: Anticipating Visitors


"I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness. It's right in front of me, if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude."
BrenΓ© Brown

Here's what October looks like these days. It might be overcast and grey, with plenty of rain, but there are bright spots in the landscape if one takes the time to look. 

I think I've mentioned before that my mother sews quilts for a charitable organization. It's MCC (Mennonite Central Committee). They work with refugees, in disaster areas, and with justice systems around the world, advocating for the vulnerable. The quilts Mom sews are either sold, or auctioned off at the annual sale. Although she does the piecing, others do the quilting. Some are machine quilted, others, like the beauty above, are hand quilted. 

When I saw this quilt that she was working on over the past year, I knew I wanted it. I put my name down and when it was finished, contributed to the cause, and brought it home. It's called Moonglow; a most apt name I think. Mom is very precise in her work and that makes this quilt (and others that she's made) a standout. 

Mom and Dad are coming for a visit this weekend. They will see their three grandchildren and their families who live here, and meet their latest great-granddaughter who is almost a year old. Their last visit was Christmas 2019, just before the pandemic began. We are all very excited to have them come. I put Mom's quilt on the guest bed. I think some pillow shams that match the quilt are needed. What colour do you think they could be? 

Over the weekend I made this Winter Squash and Spinach Pasta Bake, from Smitten Kitchen. I confess that when I was putting it together I really wondered how it would turn out. There is no precooking of anything - not the dried pasta, nor the butternut squash, nor the spinach. However, my doubts were assuaged by the delicious fragrance of this baking (it does take 90 minutes), and then the satisfying taste. I did use kale (frozen from my garden) in place of the spinach, and the next time I would use a vegetable or even a chicken broth in place of the water, for a bit more flavour. 

We ate half of it and I put the other half into the freezer for an easy meal some other time. 

Before I forget - several people asked for the recipe for the Date-Filled Oatmeal Cookies on my previous post. I've added them to my recipe blog and you can find it by clicking on the link. 

I noticed that the Dessert section of my recipe index is far longer than any other category. So I've begun a new category for Cookies and Squares - things you can eat with your fingers, as opposed to desserts that are served at the table after dinner. It will take a little while for me to change everything over, but hopefully it will be done in a few weeks. 

For me, baking requires more precision than cooking, hence the weight of recipes in that direction. 

Today I played with Iris, made granola, and did a little cleaning. Tomorrow my parents arrive and I'm so looking forward to their visit. 


  1. Kudos to your mom on making these beautiful quilts! The one you have-I'm not sure of colors for your pillows, but because of the rich jewel
    tones I can envision some velvet toss pillows. They are classic and getting back in vogue again, although they've been around forever!

    I love that you are seeing family again. What a difference from last year. Enjoy this special time. And your recipe sounds super. I always use broth in place of water, I've seen the difference every time... even vegetable broth. I'd like to try this. I think you get that I'm back on the cooking wagon!

    All the best, Lorrie,


  2. That is such a stunning quilt, how talented your mother is. Difficulr to know what colour to have the pillows, maybe pick up the Lavender tones?

  3. What magnificent quilting, your mother is a real textile artist. I can imagine the soft minty green in pillows with this. How wonderful they are coming to visit after so long - you will have a great time together. The pandemic sure has divided families these past two years. Thank you for the cookie recipe which I tried to find online! I have printed it out already :)

  4. What a beautiful quilt! My mom was a quilter and made beautiful quilts too. So glad you are going to have your Mom visit.

  5. Stunning quilt. For shams, a small scale floral with aqua and lavender trim?

  6. Lorrie, I love quilts AND the *idea* of quilting, but I had to bail after getting a third of the way piecing together a simple bunch of squares. It's just not "me," I guess. Your mother's quilting skills are advanced! I think I'd go for shams in a deep earthy green for autumn and winter and one of the lighter or brighter colors for spring and summer.

  7. Enjoy!

    Shadows mutter,
    mist replies;
    darkness purrs
    as midnight sighs.
    ~Rusty Fischer

  8. Wow, your mother’s quilt is stunning! Pillows of the quilt colors would look fine - purple/lavender or green/ tourquoise. Enjoy the weekend with your loved ones.

  9. Such beautiful flowers in your collge, Lorrie. All ours have ended, but I ahve enjoyed our pretty trees a bloom with fall colors.

    Your mother's quilt is exceptional! I'm glad she is able to visit and enjoy meeting her new great granddaughter--enjoy!

  10. How lovely that your parents are finally visiting. That quilt looks lovely in your guest room. Perhaps green or lavender pillow cases would look good. Enjoy their stay. B x

  11. Lorrie, there are no words to describe the quilt. I have collected old quilts over the years and always are amazed at the patterns and stitches I see. I know your Mom is so pleased that it is in your hands. If I were selecting a color for the shams, I would probably go to the light blue that is in the quilt. But then, I go to blue - always! Enjoy your visit with your folks and the rest of your family. So wonderful that they can come!

  12. Your blog is always the first one I go to read each day. I love your photography, recipes, and thoughts. Thank you for the daily posts you have done recently--so enjoyable! Wishing you a wonderful visit with your parents and other family members.

  13. The quilt your Mom made is gorgeous. I love those rich colors.

  14. What a gorgeous quilt! Purple is one of my favourite colours so I'm loving the colour scheme.


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