Friday, October 22, 2021

October Daily 22: Cozy Autumn Evening


It's a cozy evening here. A bouquet of garden flowers, including the Cafe au Lait dahlia above, sits in shadow on the dining room table. Across from my chair, my husband sips a mug of Lemon Ginger tea and reads in a pool of lamplight. Brass candlesticks gleam on the mantel and the low fire comes off and on as needed. 

When our children lived at home, Friday night was often celebrated with pizza or tacos. Something fun and easy. I've carried that idea of easy Friday nights over into our life as the two of us. Sometimes we'll purchase pizza, but this afternoon I felt like making it, so I made two and one is tucked away into the freezer for another easy meal. I went out into the garden and picked arugula (rocket) for a salad to go along with the pizza. 

Salami, mushrooms, red peppers, black olives, onion slivers, tomato sauce, and cheese topped this variation. I baked these in a rectangular shape on a baking sheet rather than round. I find the shape doesn't make a whole lot of difference to the taste.

In a few minutes we'll turn on Knowledge Network (our local public broadcasting station) and watch an episode of The Mallorca Files, a fun lighthearted British mystery series set on the Spanish island of Mallorca. The television is to the bottom right side of the above photo. 

What do you put on your pizza? Or what kind of pizza do you like to order? 


  1. Friday night is often pizza night here as well. If I don't feel like making the crust, we always have flatbread in the freezer, which makes a great base. Toppings...pepperoni, bacon, peppers, and onions are always on hand. I often use my canned salsa for a base and tex mex cheese for a zippy pizza. And, we like chopped pineapple on our pizza! Have a great weekend.

  2. our pizza days are on Saturdays ( not very often)
    Last Saturday lunchtime we went to our favourite restaurant and had a home made pizza with tomato cheese asparagus and Italian ham. We are it outside by 14 degrees so we had a hot coffee to keep warm!

  3. What a lovely way to spend a Friday night. So good to have family customs. I love anchovies, black olives and tuna on mine :) B x

  4. Lovely post, wish you a happy weekend

  5. Easy Friday Nights. I love the name.
    If there us no easy dinner food, then Friday night doesn't feel right. It is the one time that I justify a cheese puff snack.

  6. Comment gone..... -=sighhhhhh-

    Thank you for your post, which I enjoyed.

    I'm just tired of my nice comment, disappearing on me though. -sigh-

  7. We usually have pepperoni, sausage and red onion on our pizza.

  8. Your handmade pizza looks great.

    I enjoy the white pizzas with alfredo sauce (but wouldn't turn down a regular pizza!).

  9. Hello, Lorrie. We often have pizza on Friday night. Our favorite is when we have fresh basil and tomatoes from the garden. It is wonderful together and loaded with cheese. Your dahlia is stunning. It is one of my most favorites.

  10. A beautiful Dahlia, but then I think most Dahlias are beautiful. I am not a huge pizza fan, but will eat it when my family chooses to have it. Ham and pineapple is my favorite.

  11. We had the same tradition! A lovely home you have.

  12. Good looking pizza! We often make Mon. a pizza night - a great special at the local grocery and really, really excellent. We get them to make it "half Marguerita and half Greek' and like the crust well done. The gals know Bob so well now they always get it perfect for us! We always have plenty left over for next day nibbling - sometimes I think it's even better reheated!
    Your pretty dahlia - I must look for some of those Café au Lait blooms - beautiful.
    Not familiar with that show - I'll check Netflix and Amazon for it - sounds good!


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