Tuesday, October 12, 2021

October Daily 12: Square Kilometres and Pumpkins


I found this image of the outline of British Columbia, my province, overlaid on various other parts of the world. It gives some inkling of how large the land mass of BC is. I live on the Island outlined in blue in the bottom left of the sketch. 

Our population is 5.2 million, and it's concentrated in a few clusters, particularly southern Vancouver Island (where I live) and the lower mainland, ie Greater Vancouver. In most of BC's regional districts the population density is fewer than 10 people per square kilometre. There's a lot of wilderness!

Yesterday I noticed lots of families in the pumpkin patch beside the road, choosing pumpkins for Halloween. I took this photo on that misty morning last week. The pumpkins are sometimes grown in other fields and placed here for pumpkin hunters to find. 

Isn't this the perfect pumpkin? Wouldn't it make a wonderful carriage for Cinderella? 

What do you do with pumpkins? Decorate? Soup? Pie? 


  1. Beautiful photo of the pumpkins in the field. If we are able to find pumpkins here, they are very expensive. And around the holidays canned pumpkin can be hard to find. Pumpkin pie is always my favorite thing to make but haven't had any in a couple of years.

  2. most years we hollow out a small pumpkin to make a lantern. Of course soup has to be made too. Didn’t realise your island was so big! B x

  3. It was interesting to see the area mass of BC! When living in NC I use to buy a couple of large pumpkins for decorating the porch. Here in Florida it is too hot to place pumpkins outside so I decorate with my velvet ones.

  4. Wow, British Columbia is huge. I think Vancouver Island will fit in Vermont looking at a map, but it is actually larger than Vermont.
    Pumpkins are everywhere! I believe the sport of pumpkin hunting will grow in popularity over the years as folks almost-post-pandemic have a new appreciation for Nature.

  5. The pumpkins in the fog make a beautiful picture.

  6. That is a perfect pumpkin. These days I don't do anything with real pumpkins...

  7. I love seeing maps like that. I need them to understand things...I'm a visual person! And yes, that IS the perfect pumpkin! I guess I just love seeing them with some mums on the front porch! Enjoy your afternoon!

  8. I like the outline of BC overlaid on the other areas/countries. We do live in a big province and most of us live in the lower third or even less.

  9. Good morning, Lorrie. I so enjoyed seeing the maps. And, yes, that is the perfect pumpkin. I love the pumpkins that are different colors and shapes, but they don't seem to last as long as the traditional pumpkins. It is autumn when I place them about on our front porch steps.

  10. That's an interesting way to show the size of BC! I'm glad you can poke in at your school now and then. You're a good teacher!

  11. This was amazing in regard to the size of BC - just shared with Bob! Plus, BC is a gorgeous province and I envy you living there as you should well know dear.
    Hugs -

  12. The pumpkins in my house are either decorative (plush or ceramic) or tea blends!


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