Saturday, October 02, 2021

October Daily 2


Stories seem to be a pleasure for most of my readers. Thank you for telling me what you are reading - I'll be looking for many of those books in the library. 

Today was spent in the garden. The potager (aka vegetable beds) are tidy and bare, except for arugula, kale, and broccoli. I harvested 5 pounds of carrots, 3 of beets, and probably 3-4 of tomatoes, some green. The green ones are sitting on newspaper in the laundry room. 

I came in about 4 and started this Rustic Tomato Tart for dinner from an old Fine Cooking magazine. I checked to see if the recipe is online and it is, so click on the link if it tempts your fancy. I didn't put in the capers nor the olives. There's a fair bit of waiting around, so it's not something to make at the last minute. It was delicious, and there is enough for a light meal tomorrow, as well. 

To serve with the tart, I picked a few leaves of arugula and made a bit of salad.  


  1. I had to translate Arugula ( roquette) in french, I love it my favorite salad! Tomato tart is very tasty in mine I put mustard on the crust and goat cheese on top.
    You are lucky to get plenty of vegetables.

  2. Arugula seems interesting and your pie looks delicious. We have a splendid & sunny day and I have been raking a bit. There’s going to be a lot of raking due to our big maples!

  3. That tomato tart sounds wonderful. It sounds like your garden was very bountiful this year.

  4. The tomato tart looks good. Thank you for the link

  5. Oh yummmmmmm..........


  6. I havent made a tomato tart for ages, thank you for reminding me. With a little torn Basil scattered on top, it is delicious.

  7. This looks wonderful and we still have a few tomatoes to ripen - so I will have it on the menu soon. Thanks for the recipe, Lorrie. Happy cooking and a happy week!

  8. That tomato tart sounds delicious. Will give it a go :) B x

  9. What a wonderful harvest! You make such lovely recipes. 😊 Kit

  10. It looks delicious, Lorrie! Makes me want to bake.

  11. Your tomato tart looks delicious.

    All the best Jan


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