Wednesday, October 13, 2021

October Daily 13: Heron in the Mist


"He felt himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams." (J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Rings)

Mist makes a familiar landscape mysterious. On this particular morning at Elk Lake, fog came and went, shape-shifting - now revealing, now obscuring.

I walked along the lakeshore towards the heron who stood knee-deep in the water, motionless, but very aware of my presence. The mist drained sound and colour from the landscape, turning all to muted shades of grey. 

Silently, suddenly, the heron lifted off the water, spreading his great wings wide, long legs dangling and neck outstretched as he flew away in the fog. 


I am glad to come in from the cold to a fire and a hot cup of tea. Summer days are definitely past, and autumn full here. One morning this week I looked out to frost on the roofs. I feared for the dahlias and zinnias, but it didn't touch them, and I am glad. 

Tomorrow will be a busy day - I was called to substitute teach. I just added my name to the list, and this is my first call. It will be a bit strange to be back in the school where I taught, but I'm looking forward to it. 

Has the temperature fallen below freezing yet in your area?


  1. Magical photos of the mist and the heron. No frost here yet. The weather has been very warm for October. Good luck with your time back in school. Fun to see old colleagues and pupils again :) B x

  2. Such beautiful photos of the heron.

  3. A magnificent shot of the heron taking flight, you are a talented photographer. The lake is beautiful in the mist. We used to experience frost and minus degrees here, but not for the past 10 years or so. I miss it. Our continent is definitely warming.

  4. Beautiful photos! Enjoy your day of teaching.

  5. Have fun substitute teaching! Beautiful photos

  6. Love those moody shots of the heron especially the one in flight! Enjoy your subbing.

  7. Another comment gone pooooof. ?????

    so... quickly... beautiful mist.... are you called to sub. teach, because teachers are being fired, for not getting "the Jab".... as is happening in many professions, especially health care?

    🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🍁

  8. Re: your comment... in my blog....that lady in australia..... long running blog.... have read her off and on.... older picture of her now.... and Hanno has to walk with a walker now.....

    🍁 🌰 🌻 🍂 🍁

  9. Dear Lorrie, I love your dailies.

  10. Your shots of the heron are stellar! Just gorgeous! There is definite frost on the pumpkins...and rooftops around here. My strawberry plant is toast. Oh well, 'tis the season. Did you enjoy your day back at school?

  11. Oh! These pictures are gorgeous. I love those foggy scenes. No frost here yet, but I'm sure it won’t be long.

  12. Beautiful photos as always, Lorrie. Your mantle is so pretty. How nice that you’re substitute teaching. Also, from your previous post, I enjoyed seeing whereabouts your are located in BC.

  13. I hope your day went well. Going in to teach gives me the hee bee jeebies!
    The fog is so lovely.

  14. Oh Lorrie. Your photo of the heron in flight is stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! We have Great Blue Herons in our area and I think they're such lovely, graceful creatures.

    Enjoy your day of teaching!

  15. I hope your day of substitute teaching went well.
    You caught that heron just as it took off. Great photo. I like the reflection.

  16. Mist and fog are my favorite moods in photography. And your photos prove that - so beautiful, so atmospheric.

  17. Lovely photos! Your students will be most fortunate having you back - hope it goes well.


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