Sunday, October 03, 2021

October Daily 3



Whole-hearted, happy, careless, free,

She lives her life out joyously,

Nor cares when Frost stalks o'er her way

And turns her auburn locks to gray.

from October by Paul Laurence Dunbar.

What a beautiful day for a walk around Rithet's Bog. Today he ran while I walked. So I dawdled with my camera. Those grey clouds sailed right over me and the blue sky dominated. I wished for my sunglasses. 

The mallards splashed and preened, chasing each other and creating great swashes of water before settling down to float quietly. 

Along the trail huge trees form curtains of red and gold and pale green. I stood on the little bridge and watched yellow maple leaves sway backwards and forwards before landing on the dark water like pointed moons. 

Where do you like to walk? 


  1. Your walk sounds delightful. We walked a heritage road today. The leaves aren’t changed colour yet.

    1. Leaves are just beginning to change here, and the grass is greener than it has been all summer!

  2. Enjoying your daily posts. Wonderful photos.

    1. Thanks, Brenda! I hope I can keep it up! I'm having fun with it so far.

  3. That looks like a great place to walk. We did our usual around Mill Lake. Although mostly overcast it was quite nice for walking.

    1. I find it's easier to walk when it's cooler.

  4. I was like that yesterday. Better half walked swiftly while I pottered with my camera. I think I have been persuaded to join you with blogtober. B x

  5. Walking, the colors of autumn warm the heart.

    1. They do, indeed! And if I walk briskly enough, I get warmed through.

  6. Beautiful mosaic. I like to walk along the river Seine. Before I use to live my n a village along the river.
    Yesterday I went to visit my daughter in a town belonging to Rouen where they have lots of trees and vegetation, it’s a nice place, a village in a town. We walked and saw some beautiful squirrels.

    1. We took a river cruise along the Seine in 2016 and I so enjoyed seeing the villages from the water. We stopped in Rouen and I wandered around the town on my own for a bit.

  7. It looks like a lovely fall walk. I love the walk on the beach or in our botanical gardens.

    1. Thanks, Penny. Your walks on the beach look amazing.

  8. Delightful quote...

    And totally delightful post.


    ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

    1. Thank you! I love finding quotes.

  9. More lovely autumn lines of verse! What is there about the October ones that make me so happy? I always enjoy pictures you take of the wild water fowl you have in your area. Normally there are Canada geese and mallards and herons on the pond next door but October has seen it empty so far except for deer who visit. My tottery legs only take me around my yard now for walks but with 2 1/2 acres I feel blessed.

  10. October is a most poetic month, I think. I hope the birds soon visit the pond near you. 2 1/2 acres is a wonderful space to walk and observe nature. Take care, Dewena.

  11. I love me a good walk! It's a great time of year for it.

  12. Good morning, Lorrie. Your walk looks delightful. We live in town, although our neighborhood is old and lovely. Full of beautiful old trees, so we are blessed to enjoy strolls around the neighborhood.

    I am enjoying your daily post - you are amazing inspiration!

  13. It's so lovely to walk isn't it, we have a lake nearby which is one of my favourite nearby walks :)

    Lovely photographs/mosaic on your post.

    All the best Jan


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