Saturday, October 23, 2021

October Daily 23: Sewing Studio Tidy Up and a Bomb Cyclone


I spent most of this morning in my sewing room, tidying up and getting things organized for a round of intensive sewing. Christmas is coming and I usually make things for people. Our gift giving is not extravagant, and something hand made usually accompanies a modest gift. The grands still like me to make pajamas for them and I've started one pair. 

It feels good to have things tidied up and ready to go. After tidying, I finished a couple of small projects for myself - hemming a pair of cords, and two t-shirts. They are now hanging in my closet, ready to wear. 

Many years ago I started cross-stitching, mainly because most of my friends at the time were doing it. I invested in some threads and painstakingly wound them onto bobbins to store in numerical order. After doing a number of fairly large projects, I realized that I didn't enjoy cross-stitching at all. All that counting and precise stabbing! Instead, I embroidered, very often free-hand. I find it more liberating. 

A friend who no longer has the eyesight to cross-stitch or embroider gave me a large bag of threads. This is just a small amount of what she had. I've given some away, and now I'm going through the threads and my boxes of bobbins to see if there are some I can replenish. The remainder will go to the thrift store. 

The colours are so pretty. I love sorting through the threads. 

We had an "atmospheric river" recently, followed by a "bomb cyclone" and another "bomb cyclone" is due overnight and tomorrow. This is a new term to me, but it's been used since the 1950s, so it hasn't been made up just for this. When the barometric pressure falls rapidly over a number of hours, it's called a "bomb cyclone." Who knew? I took a screen shot from the weather report. Never have I seen a warning like this. We live on the southern tip of the island and have been told to expect storm surges, wind, possible trees down and power outages. We'll see what actually develops. 

Is it wild or calm weather where you are? 


  1. Stay safe
    Happy Sewing!
    It is fairly calm here in Vermont. The sky appears to be cloudy. I see no stars at 2 AM EDT. Stars I saw earlier are out of sight in the west.

    1. Yes it has been, but it looks like we will have our first snow over the next few days here in the NEK!

  2. Oh I do hope you dont get caught in a bad storm.
    I did the same with my cross sitching items last year, and sent the boxed=s of threads to a friend in the Netherlands (Carolien) who does the most lovely stitching. I miss it but my eyes are not strong enough now.

  3. Your sewing room is beautifully neat and ready for Christmas sewing. Mine, I must confess, is a bit of a mess these days, but hopefully will be tidied soon, and even some Christmas sewing will take place. I used to do a lot of cross-stitch, and did enjoy it. However, my eyes are simply no longer up to the task and I can only do simple free-form embroidery these days. Such is life! I have never heard that weather terminology either, but we are also having strange storms lately: extra large hail, and there have been two tornados nearby, which I have never heard of in our area. It has become very hot and humid, so we are watching for another storm - we have been struck by lightning twice over the years, and lost computers, etc. so are now turning things off and pulling out plugs at night. Happy sewing.

  4. A bomb cyclone does not sound very appealing - with luck it will 'bomb' over the water before it reaches the land. Stay safe and cosy.

  5. Your sewing room looks inspiring and the threads bright and beautiful. Years go I was very enthusiastic about crazy quilting, so I have a large assotment of threads and ribbons, too. I should donate them to someone. That bomb cyclone seems frightening. We had a storm, but only winds about 30-33 m/second. So nothing much compared to yours.

  6. Those threads are pretty! We are going to have a little rain today, but thankfully our "hurricane season" is winding down and we were fortunate to have the hurricanes miss us completely this year.

  7. Well done. Good to get organised.
    I had to finish a cross stitch my mom had started. Took me 7 years!
    Good luck in those storms. We watch them, of course, with our kids living in Vancouver.

  8. I also used to do counted cross-stitch but gave up on it. I always loved the assortment of colors. I hope the winds are not as fierce as predicted. Be safe.

  9. I'm not a frequent commenter, but just have to say how cozy and inviting your sewing area looks. I'm a sewist, too, and it's always fun to see how others organize. Our weather is mild and beautiful this fall. Our first snow will be later than usual, but that's okay with me.


    Even thought I tried to comment quickly... It still went pooof. SIGH

  11. Think I had best just say HI and sig line.

    This is too irritating..

    comments going 'pooof'


  12. when you see my Hi and sig. line, know I appreciated your post, PLEASE.


  13. Oh- Lost my comment. Darn it. I gave up cross-stitching too-Got tired of all the counting and X-ing. I did some big works over the years and gave most of them away.
    Hope you have a great Sunday- xo Diana

  14. Such a nice feeling when your sewing shelves and cupboards are sorted. Love too the idea of have all you sewing threads sorted. I did the very same thing not so long ago. Hope the winds aren’t too strong we have such similar weather. B x

  15. I hope the weather isn't too bad. Anything with the word bomb makes you worry! We are still in hurricane season here but we hope and pray we'll get through without bad weather. Today it is 80 degrees with a slight breeze and bright sun. We hiked this morning and it felt cool in the 70s! Very nice. Love seeing your sewing room. It's so nice and tidy. I keep mine tidy but with a lot more stuff jammed into the shelves! lol Hugs!

  16. Hi Lorrie,

    I love your nice, neat sewing area. I recently re-organized my pantry, so I know what you mean about making things easier to work with. :) Those embroidery threads are lovely -- such an array of colors. Our weather is calm at the moment, but I just saw that we might get a thunderstorm tomorrow. I hope you don't have any storm damage, my friend.

    Have a great week!


  17. My Mom used to sew pajamas for my children for Christmas. She carefully chose flannelette with each child in mind.
    #1 son always got cowboys if I remember correctly.
    I'm afraid the wind tonight will denude the trees. I'm glad we could walk and enjoy them this morning.

  18. Hope so much you managed to get through the stormy weather without damage Lorrie.
    Lovely here right now - perfect days and nights - which is something that always make October my favorite month!

    That's quite collection of embroidery threads - so pretty. I tried to get back into counted cross-stitch but my eyes complained! Your 'grands' just have no idea how lucky they are to be gifted with homemade pj's from their grandma! What a great seamstress you are. Stay safe in the storms.

  19. I'm experiencing the same storm. Power out for a while but back in time to cook supper thanks to the marvellous Hydro repair people. Trees down in a couple of areas. I have a much needed hair appointment tomorrow but am a bit leery about driving in the high winds. Lucky grandchildren to have bespoke jammies.

  20. You are so organized! I love it!
    I also have heard the term “atmospheric river” lately and thought it a new term.

  21. Your sewing room looks great, very well organised.
    Hope you do not get any storm damage.

    All the best Jan

  22. I hope you faired well in the storm, Lorrie. Weather here is warm but comfortable. Your seeing room looks best and tidy. I used to cross stitch all the time. Oh the days!! Your pizza in another post brought back memories. When my four kids were growing up, I made pizza on Friday nights, too. My daughter still fondly remembers those days. I still enjoy making pizza and I’m always trying different doughs, allow I don’t know why, as they’re all about the same. Do you have a favorite? I hope you have a beautiful week.

  23. Hello, Lorrie. I would expect that your sewing room would be so neat and tidy. You will be able to put your hands on everything you need when you begin your projects. I used to cross stitch as well and gave it up when I began weaving. I hope you were spared bad winds. They were predicting a level I storm for us and that is something we have not seen before. Our little town sits down in the valley and the hills and mountains usually protect us. So far so good and I hope for you also. Have a great week!

  24. My inner neat freak is loving your super organized sewing room, especially the colourful threads!


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