Saturday, October 09, 2021

October Daily 9: On a Misty Morning


Late this week wee woke up to our house enshrouded by fog,  and I thought it would be fun to visit Island View Beach, and see the views from there. On the beach the fog dissipated quickly and the sun blazed low and fierce behind me as I walked. 

Gulls making plans for the day.

The sun climbed quickly up the sky. 

I grew up in the BC interior, more familiar with lakes and rivers than the ocean. In Grade Five we learned the poem Sea-Fever by John Masefield, and I developed a romantic interest in the sea that was highly imagined for we rarely, if ever, went there. 

It was in my late 20s, when we lived in Ecuador, that I first spent time at the shore and developed a deep love for the incessant waves, the long sandy beaches, and the salt air. Almost twenty years ago now, we moved to Vancouver Island, and beach took on a whole different meaning. Here were rugged intersections between land and sea, scattered with rocks large and small, and tangles of enormous bull kelp strewn on the sand or drifting in the water. Currents and waves are tumultuous, and everywhere the deep green forests march almost to the water, making the access to land impenetrable in places. 

I love it all. There is nothing like walking a beach, be it sandy or rocky, for unraveling a tangled mind. 


  1. What a lovely post, Lorrie. I loved the peek into how you came to love the sea and shore and beach.

  2. I love your pictures of the sea.
    I would be happy if I can go living by the sea. Each time we want to go there we have to drive 70 km, but it’s worth it.

  3. I love your pictures of the sea.
    I would be happy if I can go living by the sea. Each time we want to go there we have to drive 70 km, but it’s worth it.

  4. I so agree about living beside the sea. From a child I hankered to be beside the sea. Choosing my teacher training college by the sea and then coming to Jersey. We are so lucky to have it on our doorstep. I love your ethereal photos of the beach with the mist. Perfect. B x

  5. Beautiful photos, being out on misty mornings is friendship greeting with Nature.

  6. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.

  7. All mist is magical........ -smile-

    And being able to walk on a beach, is wonderful for the body and soul. YOu are so lucky...

    🎃 🍁 🍁 🎃 🍁 🍁 🎃

  8. Lovely pictures of mist over the water.

  9. Love the misty pictures! I am so happy when I am walking on the beach.

  10. I love the beach and especially when the fog rolls in and it is misty. There is so much beauty in our world - we are truly blessed beyond measure.


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