Monday, October 18, 2021

October Daily 18: Help on the Fashion Front


Like most women, I care about the way I look. I'm no fashion plate, but I want to present my best self to the world. In June I began feeling very frumpy and felt like I needed something to jumpstart my style. 

I dress in a fairly understated way, favouring classic pieces over trends. YouTube is full of fashion consultants and advisors, many for women over 50 or 60. I looked at a few of them and nothing really resonated until I discovered Marie-Anne Lecoeur, a Frenchwoman whose style is classic and elegant. 

She has 500 videos on YouTube on a plethora of subjects. Some of my favourites include: defining elegance and inelegance, style hints, posture, eating to lose and/or maintain weight like a Frenchwoman, and so much more. Below are a few links.

Marie-Anne is down-to-earth, humorous, and cares about others. She is very encouraging and knows what she is talking about. She also has a website with Masterclasses about dressing for your body shape and so much more. She offers a free course on determining your body shape that I found very useful. 

I am usually the one behind the camera, but once in awhile my husband takes it from me to snap my photo. I'm not fond of myself in photos as I can always see something wrong with the way I look, but I'm trying to get over that and just smile. Here we've been camping and my hair is frizzed and my makeup non-existent, but I'm smiling and happy and that's what's most important. I made donuts for a special breakfast treat on our family camping trip in July.

I've been inspired by Marie-Anne to think carefully about how I want to look, and how best to put that into practice. I appreciate Marie-Anne's advice about looking chic and elegant no matter what your clothing budget. 

This post is completely my own opinion, with no remuneration, but I wanted to give a shout out to Marie-Anne and encourage you, if you need a style pick-me-up, to check out her many videos and style advice. 

I'd love to know what you think about fashion.


  1. What a great post! I'm going to check out her youtube channels, I could really use some help in the fashion part of my life! I'm a bit understated as well, most of my clothing is blue or black and my pants consist of jeans...I guess I'm just a country girl...but I could really use a boost and a change. Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to check it out. And, you look great by the way, I love the outfits you put together, they really are very classy!

    1. Thank you! I've really found Marie-Anne helpful. Hope you enjoy her videos.

  2. Bonjour Lorrie, thank you so much for your lovely post. I am so very glad that my videos are helpful for you xx

    1. Thank you, Marie-Anne, for the wonderful work you do.

  3. Thank you for the info and links!
    Your photos are great, looking good with a cheery smile.
    Fashion for me is style driven first with comfort and budget following in a trailer. Classics over fads.

    1. Yes, fads are so....faddy. lol

  4. I’m very much a classic style dresser. I prefer to pay a little more for something that I will then wear for years; particularly knitwear that I haven’t made myself. I agree about French style. Always understated but chic. Lovely to see photos of you. B x

    1. I keep my clothes for quite a long time, too. And I've started sewing some things for myself again.

  5. Thank you for the link Lorrie.
    I think we seem to dress in a very similar way, especially the blue!

    1. There is definitely a slant towards blue in my wardrobe. It makes me feel happy!

  6. I have always dresses very classic which sometimes can seem boring. You look great! I am going to check out the videos.

    1. It's fun to figure out different ways to wear the same classic pieces.

  7. Even though we’ve never met, Lorrie, I know you’re beautiful on the inside and out. Thank you for sharing the websites as we always want to look our best.
    Your donuts look scrumptious, and so do those seedy crackers and apple cake from your previous posts.
    Thanks for the tip on the videos from Jacquie Lawson, as I’m a member. I’ll bet my two youngest would enjoy those, too
    I hope you have a happy week!

    1. Ah, thank you, Kitty. There will be a new Advent Calendar from Jacquie Lawson next month and I'm eager to see what theme this year's will be.

  8. You are so pretty and always have a beautiful smile. I like to wear a lot of blues too...goes good with my hair color and I have blue eyes. Thanks for these links, I'll go check them out. I like to wear an outfit that is comfortable but also one that I can go outside or run an errand at the drop of a hat. I don't like to be slouchy, even in my own home! lol Love this post! I could do better...that's for sure!

    1. Thank you, Diane. Blue is definitely my favourite colour!

  9. Was just in the middle of an in depth comment and poof.. it disappeared.
    Great topic. I can relate and will check out the videos. You look so pretty and polished.

    1. I don't know why comments disappear. So frustrating!

  10. You look marvelous!

  11. You look great, Lorri! And who cares about camping hair? You are happy and enjoying life, and I actually like your hair!

    I've used Pinterest a lot for this, but in looking this year, it just seemed like the same thing over and over. I'm going to check out this youtube channel! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Deanna. I think you would enjoy Marie-Anne's channel.

  12. I love these photos of you Lorrie, especially with the donuts (they look so yummy!), and your hair left natural and wavy is gorgeous!
    I love fashion and try to do what Marie-Anne also suggests - the 80% classic items with 20% trends added to update. For this new season I love all my cashmere sweaters and would never throw them out - but like to add less expensive trendy items such as an inexpensive blouse in an animal print (H&M has great ones), and a trouser in a wider leg which is now trending. I love real coats in winter and am so looking forward to wearing mine - but I also have longer knitted cardigans and casual jackets for running errands, walking etc. Fashionable footwear is important for me too, love booties and classic, but updated, loafers with a thicker sole right now.
    Indoors where I spend a lot of my time these days (no travels to talk about) I have to be comfy to work/cook etc. I like basic knit pants/joggers/tops usually in grey or black for winter - I can tie on an apron to cook or throw on a sweatshirt to head into the garden. My favorite everyday pant right now is actually very inexpensive from Costco! A narrow mid-weight ponte knit, just above the ankle length in dark charcoal, wide, flat elastic waistband - so comfy. I bought a pair, washed and dried to make sure it didn't shrink, went back and bought 2 more pairs - my winter 'uniform' taken care of!!!!
    Anne-Marie talks a lot about elegance. You definitely show that always - and even though we've only met once in person it was noticed right away - you are a real lady dear friend.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, Mary. You are the epitome of elegance and that was confirmed when we met. I always enjoy your fashion posts. I wonder if Costco here would have those ponte knit pants - they sound perfect for everyday.

  13. Classical styles in blue definitely look just right on you Lorrie and you certainly don't look old enough to be either retired or a grandmother of five.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary. Blue is definitely my favourite colour. I think not looking my age is part of my genes!

  14. You look fabulous!

    It's a running joke among my family, friends and relatives that I always wear a uniform - white/off white/cream/ivory/beige tops with denim skirts and jeans! 50 shades of white, they say!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. My husband laughs at me always choosing blue or grey. But whatever makes us feel good is just fine!

  15. I'm a big Gladys Tabor fan and she once described herself as a middle-aged, frumpy woman with very little sense of style. I'm past the middle-aged part but the rest would certainly describe me. Just for fun I will check out the Marie-Anne videos. Who knows what I might learn.
    BTW, you look great!!

    1. I'm a Gladys Tabor fan, too. Love her writing!

  16. You take such 1ove1y photos . I 1ove the co11age of new sty1es for you. Hooray. Thanks for the 1inks I wi11 check them out

  17. I feel the same as you feel! I look each day on tv a program about how to dress depending on your body shape. I often go to my favorite clothe shop to buy some new clothes according to what I already have, modern classics, with colorful accessories and up to date jewelry, scarves and many bags.
    Thank you for the links I did not know about it

  18. You are very smart on YouTube pictures!

  19. Been feeling a tad frumpy myself of late. Your post is a perfect sparkle of pick me up. A wonderful reminder to put our best foot forward with elegance, no matter how simple our lifestyle or how small our social circle. Thanks, Lorrie! I love that pic of you at the camping table with all those yummy donuts.

  20. Hello, Lorrie. This is a great post and I will check out the videos. Just to let you know, you DO NOT look frumpy. But, I think everyone feels that way at times. Your post has given me something to ponder before the holidays.

  21. You look great...and do the "Frenchwoman elegant' look well! Thanks for the links...which I intend to check out.

  22. I heart your black and white sweater!

    I used to get fashion tips by watching the TLC show, "What Not to Wear".

  23. You look elegant in your casual outfits! I love trousers, hardly ever wear dresses or skirts. And lately, in this covid time, I spend most of my time at home, do only grocery shopping or visit some museums - I am careless of how I look. I listened to the French lady, she IS elegant. Maybe I should do something, too :))

  24. How did I miss this post? I appreciate that you shared this! And I love the photo of you with the donuts!


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